Qatar's Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al-Khulaifi expressed Qatar's readiness to mediate between Russia and Ukraine in order to reach a political solution that stops the spiral of war.

Al-Khelaifi said in an interview with the American magazine "Newsweek" "If we are asked to mediate in the Ukrainian conflict, we will of course be ready to work to facilitate dialogue and achieve peace in Europe."

"In fact, Qatar supports all forms of constructive dialogues and negotiations that can lead to an end to conflicts," he said, stressing that "this has been the Qatari position from the beginning and continues to call for an immediate cessation of military operations in Ukraine."

Regarding relations between Doha and Washington, Al-Khelaifi explained that Qatar is a strategic partner of the United States, and that relations between the two countries are "stronger than ever."

Regarding the relationship with Iran, the Minister of State at the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that his country maintains constructive relations with Iran, and that this is partly due to the fact that it is a neighboring country, in addition to the presence of a joint gas field between the two countries.

Positive atmosphere

As for the recent agreement between the US and Iran to exchange prisoners and unfreeze Iranian funds, mediated by Qatar, Al-Khelaifi said it was the result of more than two years of diplomacy that began at the request of both sides.

Al-Khelaifi expressed hope that the agreement would pave the way for discussions to include broader issues, including the nuclear file.

The prisoner exchange was a step forward, while there are still many challenges to be overcome, he said, saying the agreement made clear that dialogue between Tehran and Washington was possible to resolve differences.

Al-Khelaifi also said that the risk of escalation between Washington and Tehran is currently lower, and that the atmosphere has become positive in relations between the two countries, noting that Doha has facilitated indirect negotiations between Tehran and Washington for several years, and is ready to play an active role if asked to do so.

Normalization is not a solution

On the Afghan issue, Al-Khulaifi said that "Qatar is not currently thinking of recognizing the Afghan caretaker government," and this is what the rest of the world has pursued, explaining that Doha is currently focusing on "coordinating global efforts to find a practical way forward."

Al-Khelaifi said distancing himself from the Taliban, who currently leads Afghanistan's caretaker government, was doing more harm than good, and could create a vacuum in the country that exacerbates the humanitarian crisis, and this could have long-term consequences for the region.

"Since the interim government took office in Afghanistan, we have focused on addressing the humanitarian needs of the Afghan people and ensuring respect for human rights, including the rights of women and girls, and dialogue on Afghanistan is now more important than ever," he said.

"The ultimate goal is to reach a political solution in Afghanistan that guarantees security, stability and human rights," he said.

On the Palestinian issue, Al-Khelaifi pointed out that some countries may choose normalization with Israel, but for Qatar, it does not see this as a realistic way to resolve the basic conflict, because any solution must be with the consent of Palestinians and Israelis on the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative calling for a two-state solution and with East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state.

Qatar's minister of state at the Foreign Ministry said that "normalization will not lead to a lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis without a change in Israel's behavior and a clear peace process."