Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: Jean-Marc Barrere / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 07:55, October 03, 2023

148 graduates, compared to 160 last year, are still unassigned. Over the past year, both departments have been working to reduce candidates' sense of expectation and stress by generating proposals to more applicants sooner. "The process of continuous improvement of Parcoursup will continue in 2024," they say.

A total of 148 bachelors, mostly vocational high school students, against 160 last year, are still without assignment at the end of the Parcoursup procedure, said Tuesday the Ministry of Education and that of Higher Education. As every year, candidates who did not receive an admission proposal were able to apply to the commission d'accès à l'enseignement supérieur (CAES) of their academy to help them find training.

An improvement compared to 2022

"The reduction in the duration of the admission phase and its increased efficiency have allowed CAES to take charge of baccalaureate holders more quickly without a proposal this year. To date, 148 high school students, mostly vocational high school students, continue to be accompanied by the CAES", against 160 last year, write the ministries in a statement. The CAES remain mobilized with universities and territorial actors, partners of the rectorats, until the end of October to offer them a suitable solution, they stress.

In total, 93.5% of baccalaureate holders who made wishes received at least one admission proposal, up from 2022, despite the higher number of enrollees this year. According to a survey conducted by the CSA institute for the two ministries among 1,000 new baccalaureate holders on their perception of Parcoursup, waiting times are considered satisfactory for 73% of high school students, an increase of 5 points compared to 2022 and they are 76% to say they are satisfied with the answers they have received from the training.

>> READ ALSO - EUROPE 1 AND YOU - Parcoursup, "stress machine" for high school students, and their parents

A stressful procedure

On the other hand, 83% of respondents feel that the procedure is stressful. Over the past year, both departments have been working to reduce candidates' sense of expectation and stress by generating proposals to more applicants sooner. "The process of continuous improvement of Parcoursup will continue in 2024," they say. As last year, the Parcoursup website will be accessible in simple consultation from December 20 to access the training offer available in 2024. From January 17, students will be able to start registering and making their wishes on the platform, until March 14 at midnight.

They will have until April 3 to complete their vows and confirm them. Students will receive their first responses on May 30. The complementary phase (second chance and new places available) will open on June 11 and the main admission phase will end on July 12.