Alexandre Chauveau // photo credit: Nicolas Guyonnet / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 06:23, 02 October 2023

Laurent Wauquiez clarified this Sunday his ambition for the next presidential election. In Valence, during the return of the Young Republicans, the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region said he was ready to "lead the right towards a new great collective success". Four years before the deadline, the potential candidate has also outlined the political line he intends to adopt for 2027.

Between the rural working classes and the wealthy voters of the metropolises, Laurent Wauquiez decided not to choose. While The Republicans play the balancing act in the Assembly, divided between opposition and desire not to block the country, the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is counting on the impossible re-election of Emmanuel Macron in 2027 to get out of the vice in which the right has been locked since 2017.

Faced with the polarization of political life, marked by the double confrontation between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, Laurent Wauquiez calls for an end to "the fatal confrontation between the elite bloc and the popular bloc". He further adds that "there is no progressive France and populist France, reasonable France and unreasonable France, modern France and musty France: there is France. It is one, unique, and it must be able to federate French people of all origins. I always thought that this was what made the nobility of French politics," he said.

>> READ ALSO - Presidential election of 2027: Laurent Wauquiez pledges to lead the right "towards a great collective success"

Between the center and the RN, the third way

At a time when Emmanuel Macron is wondering about "how to make nation", Laurent Wauquiez calls to "transcend sociological and territorial cleavages" to implement "French reconciliation". To achieve this, the former minister recalls his past or present battles: the denunciation of "assistance", "the refusal to close one's eyes to communitarianism", for "order" or against "the waste of public money".

Laurent Wauquiez's bet: to reproduce what Nicolas Sarkozy had achieved between 2007, but that Valérie Pécresse and Eric Zemmour failed to do in 2022: bring together the boss and the worker, the metropolises and rurality.