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The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo will attend Sunday's demonstration in Barcelona against amnesty, organized by Societat Civil Catalana (SCC). "We believe that it is time to defend equality and the framework of coexistence," said Elías Bendodo, confirming the attendance of his leader.

In a press conference after the Steering Committee of the PP, the general coordinator of the popular has assured that "Feijóo will go as one more citizen, but he will leave the prominence to those who should have it." "It is an act convened by civil society, not the PP. Whoever wants to go [from among the leaders of the PP], let him go. There will be many who will go, because the PP supports and supports the call, "said Bendodo.

One of the first to confirm his attendance has been the president of the PP of Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, who has also called for mass mobilization. Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo has also assured that she will be in the 8-O of Barcelona, and has celebrated "especially" that Feijóo joins.

The date chosen by Societat Civil Catalana to protest against the amnesty is no coincidence. Just six years earlier, on October 8, 2017, more than a million people collapsed the center of Barcelona in protest against Catalonia's attempt at independence, in what was then considered the greatest show of strength of Catalan constitutionalism.

SCC calls to repeat that success: "6 years ago the nationalist regime used the institutions to break the constitutional order and coexistence. The crimes did not go unpunished because democracy applied the mechanisms to restore legality. Amnesty would mean the collapse of the rule of law."

The leadership of the PP shares this vision and believes that the mere presence of Feijóo will encourage many affiliates to move to Barcelona.

Bendodo has referred, precisely, to the amnesty in critical terms, disfiguring the PSOE its alleged "ambiguity". "Sanchez has to clarify now, once and for all, whether he is going to approve an amnesty." It has to clarify, he insisted, the "technical details" that ERC says are missing for the agreement.

"What Sánchez hides, the independence movement confirms every day," Bendodo emphasized. "And he has to clarify if he is willing to a referendum in Catalonia and on what terms," added the number three of the PP.

  • PP
  • Barcelona
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo
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  • PSOE
  • CKD
  • Amnesty
  • Congress of Deputies