The incident occurred in the spring of 2021.

The employed woman chose to step into the cupboard because she intended to dry it out and needed to reach at high altitude. In connection with this, the cabinet overturned.

The woman was injured and suffered a fracture in her femur and after the incident she was also on sick leave for a long time.

Forced to pay a fine of SEK 200,000

The prosecutor believes that the accident could have been prevented if those responsible had not failed to carry out safety rounds and risk assess the workplace, then it would have been discovered that the cabinets were not attached.

According to the operations manager, the cabinets have now been fixed and otherwise they do not see that there is a need to change any routines.

"We are not changing any routines. We continue with regular safety rounds. The cause of the accident has been rectified," says Catharina Ingvarsson, acting operations manager.

Region Västerbotten is now required to pay a fine of SEK 200,000 for work environment violations.