Presidential election in the DRC: Felix Tshisekedi officially designated candidate of the Sacred Union

The ruling majority has officially nominated its candidate for the December 2023 presidential election. Felix Tshisekedi was unanimously acclaimed at a large public demonstration in Kinshasa, organized by the Sacred Union, the political coalition he leads. The congress was chaired by Christophe Mboso, who also holds the position of President of the National Assembly. Felix Tshisekedi further broadens his support and confirms his intentions for this election.

Unsurprisingly, Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi has been officially nominated as the candidate of the ruling coalition, the Sacred Union. (Illustrative image) AP - Jerome Delay

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With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

The ceremony on Sunday, October 1st was purely symbolic, as the result was so predictable. The UDPS, the ruling party, had already formalized its choice in favor of Felix Tshisekedi. The member parties of the Sacred Union of the Nation had also done the same.

Jean-Pierre Bemba, for example, had announced the day before that he did not intend to run, thus marking his unreserved support for Felix Tshisekedi. The current deputy prime minister in charge of defense is therefore fading in favor of the current president, marking a contrast with his intentions in 2018.

For his part, Vital Kamerhe adopted the same attitude in mid-August, stressing that it was essential to balance personal ambitions with the interest of the group.

Other prominent institutional figures, such as Bahati Lukwebo, President of the Senate, and Mboso Nkodia, President of the National Assembly, have also given their unconditional support to Felix Tshisekedi.

The congress report, made public on Sunday, confirmed the commitment of all members of the Sacred Union to support the nominated candidate before, during and after his eventual election. In accordance with its charter, all also pledged to refrain from any "initiative likely to compromise the realization of the vision and political action of the High Political Authority", namely Felix Tshisekedi.

" READ ALSO DRC: the opponent Martin Fayulu announces his candidacy for the presidential election

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  • Félix Tshisekedi
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