Original title: "In these years, the general secretary personally demonstrated the patriotic 'open class'"

Narration|"Serving the country with loyalty is my life's goal"

April 2019, 4, Beijing, Great Hall of the People, "Patriotism is the core of our national spirit and the spiritual bond of the Chinese nation in unity and struggle and self-improvement. General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement was loud and sound, giving a vivid patriotic "open class" to the broad masses of party members.

Patriotism is the deepest and most enduring emotion in the world. When General Secretary Xi Jinping was four or five years old, his mother told him the story of serving the country with loyalty and his mother-in-law's tattoo. The general secretary later recalled: "I said, 'Doesn't it hurt to stab words? Mom said that although it hurts, Yue Fei will always remember it. I remember until now. Serving the country faithfully is my life's goal. ”

The Communist Party of China is the staunchest promoter and practitioner of the spirit of patriotism, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has spoken about patriotic "open courses" on different occasions and in different ways, turning the four words of "serving the country with loyalty" as a vivid practice of serving the country and the people.

"I have the conviction to dedicate myself to the motherland and the people"

The seeds of patriotism and service to the country are buried in the heart, and the ground is broken and germinated at the right time.

In early 1969, Xi Jinping, who was under the age of 16, left Beijing and went to live and work in rural northern Shaanxi for seven years. Farming, pulling coal, digging dams, and picking manure, in the years of Liangjiahe, in the eyes of this villager, "a good descendant who endures hardships and stands hard work", has done all kinds of work and endured all kinds of hardships. As the branch secretary of Liangjiahe Village, he led the villagers to build the first biogas pond in Shaanxi, drilled irrigation wells, and set up an iron industry club and a sewing club...

This "son of the yellow earth" will engrave the love of the people in his heart. When he left the yellow earth at the age of 22, Comrade Xi Jinping already had a firm goal in life - "to do practical things for the people".

While working in Zhengding, Hebei, Comrade Xi Jinping revealed his heart: "Just thinking about living a comfortable life is a mediocre pursuit." I am ready to enter the 'sea of suffering'."

When he was the secretary of the municipal party committee in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, Comrade Xi Jinping wrote the phrase "for one term of office, for the benefit of one party, and then for the sake of peaceful business"...

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2001, Comrade Xi Jinping's mother called him and learned that he was busy with official business and could not go home for reunion. ”

From the yellow earth, from the village branch secretary of a small village in northern Shaanxi to the supreme leader of the great country of Luyang and the leader sincerely loved by hundreds of millions of people, conscientiously working hard and working night has become the norm for General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Growing up in a good family style and coming from the people, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always put the people in the highest position in his heart. The general secretary made the best example of what is loyal to the country and what is the feelings of the family and the country.

"I am willing to achieve a 'selfless' state and dedicate myself to China's development"

I wish to serve the country with this long life. Patriotism is a kind of unrepentant dedication, a kind of fearless responsibility, and a kind of dedication.

Speaking of dedication, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "When the party and the people need us to dedicate ourselves, we must not hesitate to stand up and put personal life and death aside." We can't do it, so who will do it? ”

Speaking of responsibility, General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "I will remember the people's worries; "The trust of the people is the greatest driving force for me to move forward, and it is also a heavy responsibility on my shoulders." ”

Looking at the action, General Secretary Xi Jinping called himself "the people's orderly", practicing "the people's yearning for a better life is our goal", and solemnly promised to "continuously turn the people's yearning for a better life into reality".

"Chinese has always stressed the importance of serving the country with loyalty." Since becoming the general secretary of the party, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been with the people every year on the occasion of the Spring Festival: braving the bitter cold of more than minus 30 degrees Celsius to visit difficult workers in border towns; He also sent New Year goods to the villagers that he had procured at his own expense; Fight with the masses; Affix the word "Fu" to the door of the old neighborhood; Concerned about whether farmers have enough food to eat, whether they are guaranteed to see a doctor, whether their children can go to school..."In such a big country, the responsibility is very heavy and the work is very arduous. I will live up to the people without myself. I am willing to achieve a 'selfless' state and dedicate myself to China's development." ”

During his inspection tour in Iowa, Comrade Xi Jinping once stayed in an ordinary family. The landlord's son, Gary Dvocek, lamented: "He was a patriot who dedicated his life to this country. ”

"Realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a distinctive theme of contemporary Chinese patriotism"

Patriotism is not abstract, but real and palpable.

General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in setting an example and teaching everyone to understand and love China from history and culture on different occasions. Cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, summarize the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists, set up a martyr's memorial day, and pay attention to cultural inheritance and development... The piles and piles embody the general secretary's love for the party and the country.

"The frost is full of blood from the heart, sprinkled on the Thousand Peaks Autumn Leaf Dan." In order to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the people to complete the historical task of poverty alleviation and building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and achieve the first centenary goal; Implement the new development concept, focus on promoting high-quality development, and promote the construction of a new development pattern; Comprehensively deepen reform and start the battle for reform; Implement the people-centered development thinking, continue to exert efforts in providing education for the young, learning and teaching, income from hard work, medical treatment for the sick, care for the elderly, housing and housing, and support for the weak, so as to improve people's lives in all directions...

In the new era, how can we better put patriotic ideals into practice? General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction for us: "We must actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, unify love for family and patriotism, and integrate the realization of personal dreams and family dreams into the national dream and national dream." "To be patriotic, we must not stop at slogans, but we must closely link our ideals with the future of the motherland and our lives with the destiny of the nation, take root in the people, and dedicate ourselves to the country."

Every word and every word, Yin Yin's entrustment, is the heart of the child. On the road to realizing the dream, the heart of serving the country will never fade.

Curator: Wen Hongyan, Liu Xiaopeng, Yang Xuebo, Jiang Yun

Coordinator: Li Xiang, Liang Changjie

Text: Zhou Xiaoyuan, Ma Yuan

Editors: Qian Yibin, An Bowen

Proofreader: Zhuang Junting, Zhu Li