Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenian diaspora calls on EU to respond strongly in Brussels

In Brussels, a few thousand demonstrators gathered on Sunday 1 October in front of the headquarters of the European Commission to show their support for the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. They came from France, Germany and the Netherlands, at the call of Armenian diaspora organizations, to ask the EU for a strong response to Baku's lightning operation against the separatist enclave.

A protester holds a sign reading "S.O.S Armenia" while others wave Armenian flags during a demonstration in support of Armenians in Brussels, October 1, 2023 in Brussels, at the foot of the European Commission. AFP - SIMON WOHLFAHRT

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With our correspondent in Brussels, Laure Broulard

According to the organizers, there were more than 5,000 people on Sunday 1 October at the foot of the European Commission. Demonstrators from France, the Netherlands and Germany, with one objective, that of asking the EU to put pressure on Azerbaijan a few days before the next summit of the European Political Community to be held in Spain.

In the crowd, some protesters were enlisted in flags in the colors of the separatist enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh. Others held placards with the message "Azerbaijan terrorist".

All wanted to show their solidarity with the thousands of displaced people who have had to leave their land and who have flocked to Armenia in recent days. And then denounced, sometimes with great emotion, what they do not hesitate to call a "genocidal policy" on the part of Baku. An "ethnic cleansing" in the separatist enclave, according to them.

There was a general feeling of abandonment on the part of the international community. And strong criticism of Brussels' strategy so far. Accusations of passivity, even complicity, especially because of a partnership signed last year and aimed at expanding the EU's gas supply from Azerbaijan. The demonstrators therefore called on Brussels to change course and put in place sanctions against Baku.

Armenian protester calls on international community to respond

Right now, something is happening that is unbelievable and unbearable. We cannot let an entire people like this be exterminated. Erdoğan and Aliyev together have taken over the program of 1915 and are carrying it out. There is something that is unbearable for Armenians, and that is that in 1915, when there was the genocide, it was said, "The whole world did not know." Now, the whole world sees things, we give ourselves unbearable images and yet we let it happen. And yet, nothing is said. So now, today, we have come at least, once again, to try something so that Europe hears us and that we do not let this purification take place. How can we bear to see people leave their land. There are no words, it is unspeakable. I don't sleep anymore. We are, we are thousands like that not to sleep, it is unthinkable what happens to us. Unthinkable.


Armenian protester calls on international community to respond

See alsoNagorno-Karabakh: demonstration in Yerevan against the Prime Minister of Armenia

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