On the last day of the annual harvest festival, Öland offered sunshine. Host Micael Rejbrand believes the high number of visitors is partly due to the nice weather but also that it was relatively expected.

"We have had an accelerating curve of visitors since the start 20 years ago, but they are very well-behaved and pleasant visitors," he says.

In times where many people think about keeping extra track of their expenses, Micael Rejbrand feels that visitors have shopped as usual. He also believes that prices have only been raised by a few cents here and there.

"I think when you come to a place like this where there's so much to look at, you cost yourself a little bit. You stay for a long time and sit and eat. It will be a happening of everything together, he says.

Pumpkins for the whole penny

Behind wooden boxes of pumpkins stands 11-year-old Ellen Fröblom, who helps her uncle during the harvest festival. She too noticed the large influx of visitors when they sold out of decorative pumpkins on Saturday.

"There have been a lot of customers. Then it is important to remember that you sound nice and have a lot of pumpkins, says Ellen Fröblom.

Hear Ellen's reconnaissance on pumpkin trends in the clip above.