When news of the death of family members, relatives and bystanders follows each other, many in the criminal networks also believe that the conflict has gone too far, according to Diamant Salihu's sources.

Now several different groups in the Stockholm area have agreed to try to stop one of the key people in the ongoing wave of violence:

"There are different gangs that actually have completely different interests that are allying themselves to fight for a common cause – against Rawa Majid," says Diamant Salihu.

Among other things, it is about preventing the recruitment of so-called "errand boys" who can carry out violent acts on his behalf.

"This means that they help each other to target potential so-called 'terror cells', those that are recruited and paid to carry out blasts and shootings. It is often young guys from different parts of the country who are willing to carry out missions, so if the Allies find out, they can also act against these people themselves, outside the rule of law.

Hear more about the latest developments in the gang conflict in the clip above.