Congo-Brazzaville: Denis Sassou-Nguesso receives the president of the Gabonese transition in Oyo

The president of the Gabonese transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema visited Yoo on Sunday, October 1, 400 kilometers north of Brazzaville, where he met with Congolese Head of State Denis Sassou-Nguesso. He went to advocate the restoration of Gabon within sub-regional institutions, but also to revive the sawtooth relations between the two countries.

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Meeting between President Denis Sassou Nguesso and the leader of the Gabonese transition in Oyo, Congo-Brazzaville. © Loïcia Martial/RFI

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With our special envoy in Oyo, Loïcia Martial

In fatigues, wearing a green beret, his hands protected by a pair of white gloves, Brice Oligui Nguema was received by Congolese Prime Minister Anatole Collinet Makosso. After this meeting, he went to pay his respects at the grave of Edith Lucie Bongo, former first lady of Gabon and daughter of the Congolese head of state, with her two children, Yasine and Omar Denis Junior, with whom the embrace was warm.

The new strongman of Gabon spoke for two hours with Denis Sassou-Nguesso. At the end of their lunch, Brice Oligui Nguema explained the reasons for his visit.


I came here to consult, discuss, exchange with the patriarch who can transmit to the highest authorities of this world what we did [the coup, Editor's note] and better explain to the whole world. Also, I came to appease the sanctions (of ECCAS). We intend to regain our place in the concert of nations," he said.

In Oyo, he found a sympathetic ear, Jean-Claude Gakosso, Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs. "I think Gabonese should support him and beyond Gabonese, the Congolese that we are. Our brothers in Central Africa too," he said. Jean-Claude Gakosso presented Oligui Nguema as a humble man who speaks from the heart.

Read alsoGabon: Oligui Nguema visits Congo to revive relations with Brazzaville

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  • Congo
  • Gabon
  • Denis Sassou-Nguesso
  • Brice Oligui Nguema