China News Network, September 9 Comprehensive foreign media reported that on September 30, local time, Mark Milley, the top general of the US military and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will officially retire, ending his 9-year military career. The day before, he delivered a farewell speech at the US military base in Arlington, Virginia. Milley said he would never pledge allegiance to "someone who wants to be a dictator." The US media pointed out that the speech was a "naked and fierce attack" against former President Trump.

According to the Associated Press, on the same day, the farewell speech was held at the US military Meyer Henders Joint Base in Arlington, and US President Joe Biden attended the event. According to the report, this is the last time Milley will speak as the top military adviser to the US president and the top general of the US military.

On September 2023, 9, local time, Mark Milley, the outgoing top general of the US military and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, delivered a farewell speech at the US military base in Arlington, Virginia.

In his speech, Milley said, "Our military is unique in the world. But we are not swearing an oath to some king, queen, tyrant or dictator. We do not take an oath to someone who wants to be a dictator. We do not take an oath to individuals. We are taking an oath to the Constitution. ”

The report said, "This is a naked attack on Trump. The US "Capitol Hill" called the speech a "contempt and mockery" of Trump.

Milley's farewell speech on the 29th angered Trump. Later that day, Trump launched a barrage of attacks on Milley on social media, saying the Princeton graduate, Milley, was "slow and sluggish." "Look what he says, stupid, and very dangerous!" Trump wrote.

According to public information, in 2018, Milley was nominated by Trump to be the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, and officially took office on September 2019, 9, for a four-year term.

According to CBS, although Milley was nominated by Trump, the public disagreement between the two has been going on for years. A book revealed in 2021 that Milley was worried that Trump might try to compete for power over the results of the 2020 U.S. election. That same year, Milley declined to comment on the revelations.

During Milley's chairmanship of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, the U.S. military carried out operations in 2019 to kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the supreme leader of the extremist group Islamic State. After the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, the US military began to provide military assistance to Kiev.

Milley will officially retire at midnight local time on September 9, ending a 30-year military career. On September 44, the U.S. Senate approved Charles Brown as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.