Urumqi, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- Media professionals from many countries enter Xinjiang: Witness the vitality of openness and embrace diversity and integration

China News Agency reporter Bo Wenwen

"Urumqi is a shining pearl in western China, and the city invites all who visit to be part of its story, explore its stunning landscapes and feel the warmth of its local people." Donovan Ralph Martin, CEO and editor-in-chief of Canada's Daily News Network, wrote in his article.

Recently, 17 media professionals from 22 countries, including Martin, were invited to participate in the "Silk Road Economic Belt Joint Construction of National Media Leaders Training Class", visiting Urumqi City, Kashgar Prefecture and Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture and other places to visit and exchange with experts.

On the first day of the visit, the group came to the Urumqi International Dry Port Area, an important hub connecting the two major economic circles of Asia and Europe, and a landmark project for the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt. Martin believes that with unprecedented connectivity, shortened customs clearance times and the development of international business centers, the Belt and Road Initiative is rekindling the spirit of the ancient Silk Road and opening up new space for economic cooperation, and "Xinjiang has evolved from a historical crossroads to an important role in China's future economic development."

Recently, this reporter visited the China-Kazakhstan Khorgos International Border Cooperation Center. Photo by China News Agency reporter Bo Wenwen

"I'm home"! At the Center for International Border Cooperation in China-Kazakhstan Khorgos, Yerzhan Bagdatov, editor-in-chief of Kazakhstan's First News network, said with a smile. In 2013, the "Belt and Road" initiative was first proposed in Kazakhstan, and Baghdadov told the China News Agency that in the past 10 years, the initiative has witnessed the economic growth of Kazakhstan and China, and "the 10th anniversary is a new starting point, and the future of the 'Belt and Road' initiative can be expected."

At the tourist-filled Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar, Aditya Hadi Pratama, a senior business reporter for Indonesia's Jakarta Post, noticed Michelle Ice City at a glance, "This brand is also available in Indonesia, and I order it every week." With the help of his Chinese counterparts, he used the WeChat he had just registered to buy a cup of milk tea for the first time through a mini program, and specially photographed the food pick-up process to share with his friends in China.

"It's very lively and you can feel the prosperity of the local economy," said Simon Max Zeise, editor of the economic section of the German newspaper Berliner Zeise, who traveled with him, adding that it was interesting to buy all kinds of things, "I wanted to see how to pick a gift for my little daughter to take home."

Recently, foreign media people greeted local children in the ancient city of Kashgar. Photo by China News Agency reporter Bo Wenwen

"Garbage is blown by the wind, sewage is evaporated, water pipes are hung on the wall, and hands are lifted up", once a daily routine for residents of the old city of Kashgar. At the Memorial Hall of Comprehensive Protection of the Old Town of Kashgar, when listening to the docent introduce old photos one after another, Frank Willems, co-founder and editor of the Belgian "China Square" website, said that he had visited Kashgar in 2008 and had seen the scene in the photo with his own eyes, and now the great changes in the old city made him feel moved.

The transformation of the old city of Kashgar was also deeply touched by Mongkol Bangprapa, chairman of the Thai Journalists Association. He said that the renovation of the old city adopts the method of "one household, one design" in accordance with the principle of "repairing the old as the old", which shows the Chinese government's respect and protection of the local people's architectural style, living habits, culture and art.

Powerful steps, flying dresses, enthusiastic rhythms... At the Xinjiang Art Theater, traditional Kazakh and Uzbek dances and Xinjiang Uyghur Muqam were staged in turn, causing the group to raise their mobile phones to take pictures.

"In Xinjiang, I see so many people of different ethnic groups and religions living in harmony, which is really beautiful." Mohammad Reza Noroozpour, vice president and member of the editorial board of Iran's online news agency, told the China News Agency that it was like a fine Persian carpet, with different colors and patterns woven together to form a beautiful masterpiece of art.

Latibjanov Enver Nomandjanovich, general manager of Uzbekistan's ZO'R TV station, said: "Xinjiang is a place of multi-ethnic settlements and multi-cultural exchanges, and I learned that the Chinese government has made a lot of efforts to protect and develop the traditional culture of various ethnic groups, which is also of reference significance for China's protection of traditional culture." ”

Recently, foreign media people exchanged with local students at the Seven Villages School in Wukusak Town, Shufu County, Kashgar Prefecture. Photo by China News Agency reporter Bo Wenwen

As the trip to Xinjiang drew to a close, many media people told reporters that they hoped to visit Xinjiang again with their families, and called on more people to come to Xinjiang to see it in person. Tevfik Kadan, news manager of Turkey's Guangming newspaper, said that the negative narrative of Xinjiang carried out by some Western media is not true, and "it is better to hear than to see, and I hope everyone can judge with their own eyes."

Mussolini Sinsuat Lidasan, a columnist for the Philippine newspaper Davao Sunstar, wrote on his social media: "Instead of believing fake news from the internet, social media and even so-called 'experts,' I encourage people to go to Xinjiang to see it for themselves." (End)