According to the WeChat public account of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, on September 9, 30, the China Environmental Monitoring Station, together with the Central Meteorological Observatory, the National Air Pollution Prevention and Control Center, the Northeast, South China, Southwest, Northwest and Yangtze River Delta Regional Air Quality Prediction and Forecasting Center, and the Beijing Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, carried out a national air quality forecast consultation in the first half of October (2023-9).

In the first half of October, most of the country's air quality was mainly excellent. Among them, the central and southern parts of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the northern part of the Yangtze River Delta region, the northern part of the junction of Suzhou-Anhui-Luyu, and some cities in the northwest region are mainly good to light pollution.

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas: In the first half of October, the air quality in most of the region was mainly excellent. Among them, the southern part of the area on 10-2 days and 3-7 days was mainly good to light pollution, and the southern part of the area in the middle to early stage may have light to moderate pollution process. During the rest of the period, most of the region was dominated by excellent. The primary pollutant is PM10.2 or ozone.

Beijing: In the first half of October, the air quality was mainly excellent. Among them, a mild pollution process may occur from 10 to 10 days. The primary pollutant is PM13.2.

Yangtze River Delta region: In the first half of October, the air quality in most parts of the region was mainly good, and light pollution may occur in the northern region. Among them, from 10 to 1 days, the overall area is mainly good, and the northern part is lightly polluted; From the 7th to the 8th, the diffusion conditions were good, and the region as a whole was mainly good; From the 9th to the 10th, the overall area is mainly good, and light pollution may occur in the northern inland areas. The primary pollutant is ozone or PM15.2.

Suwan-Luyu junction: In the first half of October, the area is located at the bottom of high pressure, most of the air quality is mainly good, and light pollution may occur in the northern area. The primary pollutant is ozone or PM10.2.

Fenwei Plain: In the first half of October, the air quality in most parts of the region was mainly good, and light pollution may occur in the area. Among them, from 10 to 1 days, the regional air quality was mainly excellent; From the 7th to the 8th, the air quality was mainly good; From 9 to 10, the air quality was mainly good to light pollution; From the 13th to the 14th, the air quality is mainly good, and light pollution may occur in the local area. The primary pollutant is PM15.2 or PM5.

Northeast region: In the first half of October, the air quality in most of the region was mainly excellent. Among them, on the 10nd-2rd, 3-8th, and 9th-13th days, the temperature in the southern part of the region rebounded, and the diffusion conditions were average, and a mild pollution process may occur in the central and western parts of Liaoning. The primary pollutants are PM15.2, PM5 or ozone.

South China: In the first half of October, the overall air quality in the region was mainly excellent, and some cities were moderately polluted during some periods. Among them, from 10 to 1 days, Guangdong local area is good to light pollution; From 4 to 8, most of Hubei, Guangdong Pearl River Delta, and Guangxi were partially polluted to light; On the 11th, Hunan was locally good to lightly polluted; From the 13th to the 14th, most of Hunan and the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong were well to lightly polluted. The top pollutants are ozone, PM15.2 or PM5.

Southwest region: In the first half of October, the overall diffusion conditions in the region were good, and the air quality in most cities was mainly excellent. The primary pollutant is PM10.2.

Northwest region: In the first half of October, the air quality in most of the region was mainly good, and local light pollution may occur. Among them, from 10 to 1, the regional air quality is mainly excellent, and there may be short-term sand and dust in Hexi, Gansu on the 6th, and the air quality is mainly good to light pollution; From 4 to 7, the air quality in most of the region is mainly good, and mild PM8.2 pollution may occur in the central and northern parts of Ningxia; from 5 to 9, the air quality in most of the region is mainly good, and light pollution may occur in the central and eastern regions. The primary pollutant is PM15.2 or PM5. The air quality in the northern part of Xinjiang and the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains is mainly excellent; The air quality in eastern and southern Xinjiang cities is mainly good to mildly polluted. The primary pollutant is PM10 or ozone.