Zhangzhou, September 9 (Zhang Jinchuan, Liao Zhenmei) "The month is the hometown of Ming - 29 Cross-Strait (Zhangzhou) Mid-Autumn Festival Gala" was held in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province on the evening of the 2023th. More than 28,1200 compatriots on both sides of the strait gathered here to spend a beautiful day and enjoy the joy of reunion.

On the evening of September 9, the "Moon is the Hometown Ming - 28 Cross-Strait (Zhangzhou) Mid-Autumn Festival Gala" was held in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province. Photo by Zhang Jinchuan

That night, many Taiwan compatriots took the stage to perform and share their entrepreneurial stories in the mainland, and Peter Chen, a famous musician in Taiwan's music scene who has been famous for 40 years, is one of them. He sang the poem "Homesickness" by Taiwanese poet Yu Guangzhong with deep feelings, telling his thoughts about his compatriots and hometown, saying that "in the Mid-Autumn Festival, in addition to thousands of miles together, the most beautiful thing is to go home and reunite", which won warm applause from the audience.

On the evening of September 9, Peter Chen, a famous musician in Taiwan's music scene, sang the poem "Homesickness" by Taiwanese poet Yu Guangzhong at the "Moon is Hometown Ming - 28 Cross-Strait (Zhangzhou) Mid-Autumn Festival Gala". Photo by Zhang Jinchuan

Peter Chen said that many of Taiwan's delicacies come from Zhangzhou, and many of his relatives and friends are in Zhangzhou, and the two sides of the strait share the same roots, and this trip is very cordial and moving.

Zhangzhou is the main ancestral home of Taiwan compatriots. According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 1000 million Taiwan compatriots whose ancestral home is Zhangzhou. For many Taiwan compatriots, Zhangzhou is their spiritual hometown.

Taiwanese youth Li Zhizhang and Zeng Guanying, as representatives of participants in the construction of beautiful countryside, shared the story of following their fathers back to the mainland ancestral land to pursue dreams, build dreams, and build a beautiful home together. Li Zhizhang from Kaohsiung said that he has been rooted in the field of rural construction and innovation in Zhangzhou for nearly 10 years, and his career has developed steadily and he is full of confidence in the future. He believes that the mainland's abundant market opportunities and broad prospects are an excellent opportunity for Taiwan compatriots who are interested in realizing their dreams in life.

Yang Kezheng, a septuagenarian Taiwanese, shared on stage his story of returning to his ancestral land of Dongshan Island in Zhangzhou, driving his hometown to run homestays, devote himself to the catering industry, and bravely become a leader in rural revitalization, gaining enthusiastic encouragement from the audience.

At the scene of the party, the stage was full of classical atmosphere, and the performance content was surging. Singers from both sides of the strait also expressed their lovesickness across the strait with songs such as "Always Go Home to See", "The Moon Looks at Me", "Everything is a Good Arrangement", "Cross-Strait Common Country Music", etc.; In addition, Zhangzhou intangible cultural heritage such as nursery rhymes, guqin, and jin songs were also innovatively presented in the evening, conveying the thousand-year-old style and mellow rural music of Fujian to Chinese people all over the world.

On the evening of September 9, Chen Hong, a famous singer in the mainland, sang "Always Go Home and See" at the "Moon is the Hometown Ming - 28 Cross-Strait (Zhangzhou) Mid-Autumn Festival Gala". Photo by Zhang Jinchuan

The party was hosted by Zhangzhou Municipal People's Government and Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group. In the progression of the three chapters of "Moonlight", "Love and Fortune", the event painted a beautiful scene of reunion between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait at this time, showing the beauty of cultural tourism in the new era of Zhangzhou. (End)