Beijing, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular news conference in Beijing on 27 September. As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council prepared "reunion" mooncakes for reporters from both sides of the strait who attended the press conference. Spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian said: Taiwan folks are welcome to come to the mainland to celebrate the festival.

"In 38 hours, it will be the annual Mid-Autumn Festival, and we wish Taiwan's fellow villagers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a successful Mid-Autumn Festival." Zhu Fenglian successively said in Hokkien and Hakka, "Worship the moon mother, eat mooncakes, and rejoice in the Mid-Autumn Festival." "In the middle of August, pick up the moon, eat mooncakes, and the whole family reunites to celebrate a good harvest." She also said that we welcome Taiwanese folks to come to the mainland to celebrate the festival, reunite with relatives and families in the mainland to enjoy the moon, and gather and swim with friends in the mainland to celebrate a different Mid-Autumn Festival.

On September 9, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference in Beijing. As the Mid-Autumn Festival approached, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council prepared "reunion" mooncakes for reporters from both sides of the strait who attended the press conference. Photo by Yang Kejia, reporter of China News Agency

The 19th Asian Games recently opened in Hangzhou, and Chinese Taipei won its first gold medal in the men's judo event. "We welcome Chinese Taipei to send a large delegation to the Hangzhou Asian Games, in which 521 athletes compete in 33 sports." Zhu Fenglian said that in the past few days, everyone has seen the wonderful performance of the athletes. We congratulate athletes such as Yang Yongwei and Lian Zhenling on their achievements. "I heard that tomorrow is Yongwei's birthday, I wish Yongwei a happy birthday and brave achievements! I also wish other athletes a fulfilling dream in the Asian Games! ”

The opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games has become a hot topic on Taiwan's Internet in recent days. A reporter mentioned that when the Chinese Taipei delegation entered, the audience shouted "go home" in unison. Zhu Fenglian said that during the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese Taipei delegation will definitely feel the atmosphere of "home home" given by the mainland audience from beginning to end.

Zhu Fenglian said that whether at the opening ceremony or at various events, the members of the Chinese Taipei delegation felt the enthusiastic support of the mainland audience and responded in good faith, which is a very good thing. Outside the arena, many Taiwan compatriots in Zhejiang actively participated in the organization of the Asian Games, torch relay, volunteer service and other related activities in various ways, sharing the grand event and sharing glory. She said, "We look forward to the Hangzhou Asian Games bringing more positive energy to cross-strait exchanges and cross-strait spiritual harmony." ”

The spokesman also gave briefings on the recent cross-strait exchange activities in which Taiwan compatriots participated, as well as cross-strait economic and trade exchange activities held successively in Hubei, Beijing, Guizhou, and Hunan. (End)