Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP 21:00 p.m., September 28, 2023

Guest of the news of 20H of TF1 this Thursday, Gabriel Attal announced an "exceptional bonus of purchasing power" for "500,000 teachers" and "230,000 other staff". It will be paid to the main stakeholders during the month of October and will be 380 euros on average.

On the set of TF20's 1H newscast, Gabriel Attal made an announcement about teachers' purchasing power. The Minister of National Education indicated that an "exceptional purchasing power bonus" would be paid to 730,000 agents, including 500,000 teachers and "230,000 other staff, including the AESH (Accompanying students with disabilities Nldr)". This premium, of 380 euros on average, will be paid during the month of October.

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