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The top model Linda Evangelista has confessed in the chapter she stars in the Apple TV + documentary The Super Models that like many other women she was a victim of abuse by her ex-husband, Gérald Marie. At that time Marie was the director of the Parisian modeling agency Elite Model Management of which the Canadian was one of the best-known faces and with which she had married in 1987.

On the physical aggressions she had suffered at the hands of her consort, which seems to have been not few during the five years that her marriage lasted, and to silence those who question her because they never saw a bruise, she makes a terrible statement: "He knew that I should not touch my face, not touch anything that generated money."

Evangelista and Marie separated in 1993 and it was always rumored that behind their separation was marital violence, which the supermodel has just recognized. Coinciding with the breakup of the couple, several models accused the former director of Elite Model of rape and sexual assault which gave strength to rumors that Marie was more than a violent person at home.

The Me Too movement in 2020 revived the story and brought back to light the regrettable episodes of harassment and aggression that many models and actresses acknowledged having experienced in the world of fashion and entertainment.

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Linda Evangelista has supported for decades the alleged victims of Gérald Marie - that was no secret - to whom she now also joins having made her own experience public. Although it has not been until the documentary The Super Models has seen the light, which has premiered on this television platform on September 20, when the top model has spoken for the first time frankly of the five years of nightmare that lived with the man who, at that time, He was one of the most powerful figures in the fashion industry.

In a sequence of the series, the Canadian model, who turned 58 in May, explains that there was a moment when, indeed, she was aware that she was immersed in a toxic and harmful relationship but also recognizes that "leaving an abusive relationship is easier said than done."

The reality is that getting out of this kind of story isn't just a matter of asking the abuser, "I want a divorce, see you later. That doesn't work like that," he laments. "I married him when I was 22 and left him when I was 27. He let me go on the condition that he keep everything." He agreed: "I was safe and I had my freedom."

The experiences of the other women, specifically seven models who worked with him in the 80s and 90s and who testified against him, gave him strength to tell his own story. Now, without fear, he stresses: "I would love for justice to be done. I'd love for like that to think twice and be scared and I'd love for women to know they're not alone."

  • Sexual assault