• Tele Encarna Navarro tells in Fiesta all the details of her relationship with Bertín Osborne
  • He denies it Bertín Osborne: a singer of Operación Triunfo claims to have maintained a relationship with him for 15 years

At the beginning of 2021, the marriage formed by Bertín Osborne and Fabiola Martínez, one of the most stable in the social chronicle of our country, came to an end after two decades together. Afterwards, both went their own ways showing their usual discretion. However, this Wednesday Fabiola has broken her silence at the stroke of an interview to face the information that suggests that the singer would have been unfaithful much of the time they were together. It has been the singer Encarna Navarro who has confirmed having maintained a relationship with the artist for 15 years.

"I'm in a very good moment, calm and focused. I don't want to go into thinking about whether it's true or not. (...) He will know what he did, why, or what he didn't do. It's on their conscience, not mine. I love Bertín as a person and as a father of my children, but he no longer has anything to do with me," Fabiola said in the aforementioned publication, while explaining that in the event that it was true that Bertín had had a love story with the former triumph, "the one who would have soiled that marriage or that relationship we had was him not me. I understand what infidelity is because I have also been unfaithful, but when I started the relationship with Bertín I made the decision to do things right, to do them better."

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The businesses, partnerships, investments and properties of Bertín Osborne that ensure the future of his children

  • Editor: GTRES

The businesses, partnerships, investments and properties of Bertín Osborne that ensure the future of his children


Bertín Osborne explodes during a concert: "I've been finding useless all my life"

  • Writing: EL MUNDO Madrid

Bertín Osborne explodes during a concert: "I've been finding useless all my life"

This could be one of the times when Fabiola opens up more in channel. She has revealed that during the concerts she attended when they started she saw how other women passed her phone numbers and was even aware of how they "got their hands on her". When this happened, the collaborator rethought the relationship because the "insecurities" appeared. In order to continue with him he did an exhaustive personal work. In this sense, she has assured that she has never suspected that the artist has been unfaithful.

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"We've never had an open relationship. That, maybe, look, I could have considered it, because being the two as we were the same would have gone better, "he continued. On this, the model has said that she does not victimize herself and that she does not let anyone do it either. But it is true that, during all this time, what has caused Fabiola the most pain were the statements of Bertín Osborne in which he assured that he had never fallen in love. "When he said that, my flesh opened, I got angry and thought, 'So what will the kids think? That they are not the fruit of love?' There I said: 'I'm not going to allow it,'" he said.

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Fabiola did not want to miss the opportunity to open up about the new paternity of Bertín Osborne with Gabriela Guillén, which came to light at the beginning of July. The mannequin has said that she already knew it before it transcended. "I said, 'If it's a serious relationship, tell me, we have to tell the kids.' But he was already doing things his way, "he has detailed on this issue that has become one of the hottest paper cuché in recent months.

On the other hand, Fabiola also wanted to cover her sudden departure from Y ahora Sonsoles, a space in which she worked as a collaborator. "They never pressured me to force me to speak. The program now wanted more involvement and was incompatible with a new professional project that has come out and that I have been waiting for a long time, "he clarified.

  • Bertin Osborne
  • Couple relationships