At a press conference held by the Ministry of Public Security on September 9, Wei Xiaojun, executive deputy director of the National Narcotics Control Office and director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the national anti-narcotics department has coordinated and promoted the anti-narcotics "Clean Source and Cut off the Flow-26" operation and the summer public security crackdown and rectification action of the national public security organs, severely cracked down on illegal and criminal activities of drugs, and achieved obvious phased results. From January to August, a total of 9,26 drug-related crime cases were solved, 2023,1 drug-related suspects were arrested, and 8.2 tons of various drugs were seized, up 6%, 3.9%, and 16.5% respectively year-on-year, and 10,16 drug addicts were investigated and dealt with, down 4.24% year-on-year. Since the summer public security crackdown and rectification operation by public security organs across the country in June, more than 7,11 drug-related crimes have been cracked, more than 18,1 drug-related suspects have been arrested, and 6.7000 tons of various drugs have been seized, effectively preventing and curbing the risk of drug rebound.

First, strictly prevent and strictly block the infiltration of drugs from abroad. Vigorously strengthen border investigations, promptly study and judge the situation of drug infiltration, optimize and adjust countermeasures for investigations, and improve and improve the interdiction system. Yunnan played the role of the first barrier and the first main force, relying on the three-dimensional prevention and control system of the border, and the strict prevention and control layout of points, lines, and the integration of people, technology and materials, and built the first line of defense for drug entry, with a total of 2258,9 cases solved and 2.7 tons of drugs seized, up 7.67% and 8.17% respectively year-on-year; Guangxi has strictly investigated drug smuggling at the Sino-Vietnamese border, cracking 4 major cases of more than kilograms; Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan strengthened maritime drug interception, and jointly cracked four major cases of maritime drug trafficking and seized 2.8 tons of drugs. In mid-to-late August, it organized a two-week "Maritime Border Anti-Drug Regional Battle" in Linbian Linhai and relevant key provinces, cracking 8,2 drug cases, arresting 1088,2021 criminal suspects, seizing 1.3 tons of various drugs, and seizing 257 tons of drug-producing substances. Strengthen the "nail pulling and chasing fugitive", pay close attention to drug lords and drug dealers who are hiding abroad and are on the run, carry out law enforcement cooperation with the anti-narcotics departments of relevant countries, and arrest 65 drug-related "nail" fugitives.

Second, it is necessary to strictly prevent and crack down on domestic drug-making activities. Deepen the "de-icing and drug elimination", make every effort to prevent the resurgence of large-scale domestic drug-making activities, strengthen factor control, personnel monitoring, and site inventory, crack down on drug-making crimes in the whole chain and in all links, crack 76 drug-making crime cases, and destroy 51 drug-making dens. Jiangsu, Liaoning, and Shandong jointly cracked the "9.02" extraordinarily large drug-making case, destroying eight drug-making factories and dens in one case, and seizing 8.4 tons of drug-producing materials. The "Tianmu" eradication operation was launched, eradicating 4.46 mu of opium poppy plants and 5.28 mu of cannabis plants. Persisting in taking strict control of drug-making materials as a bottom-up measure to curb the problem of drug-making products, deepening the "eradication of roots" action, continuing to promote the clean-up and rectification of drug-producing materials, and preventing the loss of drug-producing materials, especially non-controlled chemicals, from leaving the country, a total of 3 tons of drug-making materials were seized. Yunnan issued the Circular on Strengthening the Management of Drug-Producing Materials, strictly verifying the entry of drug-producing materials into Yunnan, and making every effort to intercept the smuggling of drug-producing materials out of the country; Zhejiang issued the Measures for the Traceability and Management of Precursor Chemicals in Zhejiang Province (Trial) to standardize the source investigation; Shandong formulated the "Guidelines for the Key Points of Investigation of "Four Specialities, Three Determinations and Nine Clearings" in Drug-Making Cases, strengthened the operation of special cases, and seized 570.179 tons of drug-making substances.

The third is to strictly guard against and crack down on drug trafficking networks. It organized 11 key provinces, including Hunan and Hubei, to carry out "hunting and scourging" operations, joined hands to crack down on cross-regional large-scale drug trafficking, pooled resources, strengthened regional coordination, resolutely eradicated the network of drug trafficking gangs that controlled one side and radiated throughout the country, detected 326 major cross-regional criminal cases, arrested 7351,7 criminal suspects, and seized 8.370 tons of various drugs. A total of 1 cases of "cluster zero" cases were investigated, 5,1 drug-related personnel were investigated and dealt with, and 67.15 tons of drugs were seized; 31 key provinces were commanded to launch a three-wave cluster campaign against 2493 cases of ministry supervision, and 1443,<> drug users and traffickers were arrested. Combined with summer night public security patrols, publicity and prevention centralized and unified actions, overall linkage, coordinated operations, organize anti-drug patrols in key places and key parts, concentrate on "drug driving" control, and investigate and deal with a number of drug-related illegal and criminal activities that directly affect the sense of security of the masses. Focusing on drug-related risks in delivery logistics channels, strengthening special investigations, and cracking <>,<> drug trafficking cases in delivery logistics; Jointly with postal administrations, the "Safe Delivery" operation was carried out, strengthening supervision and management, investigating cases, and punishing a number of illegal business outlets.

Fourth, it is necessary to strictly prevent and strictly control the problem of new types of drugs. Adhere to the people's supremacy, highlight the problem orientation, deepen the management of the problem of relying on imidate that the people strongly reflect, and concentrate on carrying out special actions to combat and rectify illegal crimes involving relying on imidate. The State Food and Drug Administration, the National Health Commission, and the Ministry of Public Security initiated the listing procedures, held expert discussion meetings, innovated the management methods, and promptly included them in the listing. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and other departments are to formulate standards for relying on imidate-dependent conversion, and promptly provide the basis for conviction and sentencing. In view of the actual harm of "laughing gas" to the people, especially young people, strengthen the ideological understanding that "not being managed does not mean that it should not be managed and cannot be managed", take the initiative to take action, issue a circular on strengthening the management of the "laughing gas" problem, increase the intensity of punishment according to law, and concentrate on the management of the "laughing gas" problem. In response to the problem of substitution and abuse of hemp essence drugs, together with the Food and Drug Administration and the Health Commission, 10 kinds of hemp essence drugs such as tramadol compound preparations were added, and special inspections of the supervision and management of hemp essence drugs were jointly carried out, strengthening the discovery of clues, source reversal investigation and special case investigation. After more than half a year of continuous crackdown and rectification, the development and spread of the new drug problem has been initially curbed.

Fifth, strictly investigate and strictly manage the problem of drug abuse. Normalize and promote the "safe and caring" action for drug addicts, combine the "bottom-out action" of key personnel, increase the intensity of investigation and handling of drug addicts, strengthen hierarchical and categorical management and control, concentrate on carrying out the efforts to tackle tough problems in the rehabilitation and treatment of sick and disabled drug addicts, prevent and resolve the hidden dangers of drug addicts causing accidents and disasters, effectively reduce the harm of drugs to society, and maintain social harmony and stability. A total of 11,18 drug addicts were investigated and dealt with nationwide, a year-on-year decrease of 1.3%; It was decided to impose compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation of 6,14 people, a year-on-year decrease of 1.2%; ordered 5,19 people to detoxify in the community, a year-on-year decrease of 8.2%; 4,9 people were ordered to rehabilitate in the community, an increase of 8.<>% year-on-year.

Sixth, comprehensively deepen anti-narcotics propaganda and education. Chen Wenqing, Wang Xiaohong and other central leading comrades and responsible comrades of local party committees and governments investigated and investigated anti-narcotics work, fully demonstrated the firm determination and clear-cut attitude of the party and government to strictly implement anti-narcotics, comprehensively displayed the remarkable results achieved in anti-narcotics work in the new era, and launched a public welfare tour of the anti-narcotics opera "Lin Zexu in Beijing", setting off an upsurge of anti-narcotics propaganda in the whole society. Strengthen youth drug prevention education, work with the Ministry of Education to carry out the "Five Ones" activity of drug prevention education for school students nationwide when the fall semester begins, popularize and deepen special drug control education in schools, and hold the final of the 6 National Youth Anti-drug Knowledge Competition, which was watched by more than 26 million people through online live broadcast. With more than 2022 million subscribers to new media such as China's anti-drug Weibo and WeChat public accounts, the atmosphere of the whole society consciously resisting drugs has become stronger, and the people, especially young people, have significantly improved their ability to recognize, prevent and resist drugs. From January to August, 4600,6700 new drug addicts were discovered nationwide, down 1.8% year-on-year.