Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah discussed with his British counterpart James Cleverly the repercussions of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq to declare the agreement concluded with Kuwait on Khor Abdullah unconstitutional.

The Kuwait News Agency quoted a statement by the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry that the phone talks between the two ministers focus on what it described as historical fallacies included in the court's decision and the cancellation of the security protocol signed between the two countries in 2008.

Foreign Minister discusses by phone with his British counterpart the repercussions of the Iraqi court's decision on Khor Abdullah and the historical fallacies it contained, and Iraq's cancellation of the security protocol signed between the two countries in 2008https://t.co/m9JZUuY7eZ@MOFAKuwait#KUNA #الكويت pic.twitter.com/JIlig0jVlE

— KUNA KUNA (@kuna_ar) September 26, 2023

Iraqi National Security Adviser Qassim al-Araji said on Monday that his country respects Kuwait's sovereignty historically, present and future, following a meeting with Kuwaiti Deputy Ambassador in Baghdad Fahd al-Fadhli.

Al-Araji stressed that the meeting between Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah in New York recently on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly "proved the attitude of love and respect towards sisterly Kuwait".

Al-Araji added in a post on the X platform that the meeting also proved "that understanding and dialogue are the way to resolve all issues according to the principle of good neighborliness and through the competent legal committees."


— Qasim Al Araji (@qassimalaraji) September 25, 2023

It is noteworthy that the Kuwaiti Prime Minister had confirmed after meeting his Iraqi counterpart in New York his country's desire to complete the demarcation of the maritime border with Iraq beyond the 162nd mark.

Al-Sudani said Baghdad wants to continue holding meetings of joint committees and exchanging visits between officials and experts in the two countries in order to enhance levels of cooperation and partnership, build confidence, upgrade bilateral relations and overcome all obstacles.

It also affirmed Iraq's commitment to the relevant Security Council resolutions, the principles of international law, common understandings, good-neighbourliness and the territorial integrity of the State of Kuwait.

Tensions have recently escalated between Iraq and Kuwait after the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court ruled on September 2013 that the Iraqi parliament's ratification of the agreement regulating navigation in the Khor Abdullah waterway between the two countries, which the Iraqi parliament voted on in <>, is unconstitutional.