China's National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention recently released news that since February 2023, China's new crown epidemic has shown a low level and wave epidemic trend, and the current situation of new crown and other infectious diseases is generally stable, but dengue fever in some provinces is in the high season, and influenza epidemics in some southern provinces are on the rise.

Zeng Guang, a researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and an expert in public health and epidemiology, said on September 9 that this year's influenza situation is not optimistic, and it is necessary to correctly understand the harm of influenza and get out of the misunderstanding of influenza vaccination.

According to the new version of the influenza vaccination technical guidelines released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on September 9, from mid-February to the end of April this year, China presented a wave of influenza epidemic season dominated by the H5N2 subtype, the intensity was slightly higher than the natural epidemic year before the new crown epidemic, and the new crown epidemic still continued at a certain level, and this winter and next spring may face the risk of interaction or co-epidemic of respiratory infectious diseases such as new crown and influenza. Influenza vaccination is an effective means of preventing influenza and reducing the burden of severe influenza-related illness and death.

How can you tell if it's a cold or a flu?

The common cold refers to a group of diseases manifested by discomfort such as sneezing, sore throat, cough, low-grade fever, headache, etc., usually mild and mostly recovers on their own.

Influenza, generally manifested as acute onset, fever (some cases can appear high fever, up to 39-40 °C), accompanied by chills, chills, headache, muscle and joint pain, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite and other systemic symptoms, often sore throat, cough, may have nasal congestion, runny nose, retrosternal discomfort, facial flushing, mild conjunctival hyperemia, may also have vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

A flu, the incubation period is usually 1~3 days, the main symptoms are fever, systemic muscle aches and headache, there will also be some mild respiratory symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, etc.

How does influenza spread?

The transmission route of influenza is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets, and secondly, it can also be transmitted through direct or indirect contact with the oral cavity and nasal mucosa, such as touching items contaminated by the virus, and contact with the mouth and nose can also cause infection.

The population is generally susceptible to influenza viruses and is mostly self-limited. Some people are at high risk of serious complications after infection, including: people aged 60 years and older, children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, and patients with underlying medical conditions.

How can I prevent the flu?

1. Annual influenza vaccination is the most effective means of preventing influenza and can significantly reduce the risk of influenza and serious complications in vaccinated people. It is recommended that the elderly, children and people with underlying medical conditions receive influenza vaccination in time.

2. During flu season, minimize visits to crowded places.

3. It is recommended that everyone should wear masks and do hand hygiene in places where crowds gather or confined spaces.

4. Some means of preventing new coronavirus infection are also means of preventing influenza. Such as maintaining good respiratory hygiene, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and avoiding close contact with patients with flu-like symptoms.

In addition, taking oseltamivir for the prevention or treatment of influenza A should be directed by a doctor and should not be taken on its own.

What is mycoplasma pneumonia?

Mycoplasma infections had a small peak in June-July this year, a decline in August, and an increasing trend in September. Since mycoplasma infection can easily lead to bronchitis and pneumonia, parents should pay attention.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is not a bacterium or a virus, but is the smallest microorganism between bacteria and viruses that can exist independently in nature so far.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae has no cell wall structure and is naturally resistant to antibacterial drugs that act on the cell wall, so antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins cannot kill it.

M. pneumoniae infection can occur throughout the year, and children are susceptible to M. pneumoniae, and are prone to outbreaks in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and other crowded environments.

Mycoplasma infection is mainly transmitted through direct contact and droplets. After the development of relevant symptoms, parents should bring their children to the doctor in time.

Special reminder to parents of young children, when mycoplasma pneumonia infection, the child's fever may not be very serious, but there is wheezing, difficulty breathing, and depression in the collarbone position, that is, the child has a pit in the collarbone when inhaling, and nasal congestion occurs when inhaling to go to the hospital in time.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. If you are infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae, you may be reinfected later.

To prevent Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, the most important thing is to practice good personal hygiene.

During the epidemic season, pay attention to indoor ventilation and try to avoid crowded and poorly ventilated public places.

Have been to a public place, wash your hands and face carefully after returning home, and pay attention to hand hygiene.

Schools and kindergartens should also pay attention to indoor ventilation, and once a child is sick, try to rest at home and treat until the symptoms disappear.

Forward reminders!

China News Service (CNS1952) Comprehensive China News Service (reporter Wang Zumin), "China Disease Control News" WeChat public account, CCTV news client, "Jiangsu Disease Control" WeChat public account, etc

Editor: Liang Jing

Responsible editor: Peng Dawei