Protesters continued on Monday in the southern Syrian city of Suwayda for the 37th day, demanding the departure of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Protesters flocked to Karama Square in central Sweida to reiterate popular demands for political change.

#شاهد: On the thirty-seventh consecutive day of the Sweida uprising, hundreds of protesters flocked to Al-Karama Square in the center of the city of Al-Sousada, on Monday, to emphasize popular demands for political change#مظاهرات_السويداء

— As-Suwayda 24 (@suwayda24) September 25, 2023

Pictures broadcast by activists showed demonstrators raising banners calling on the international community to implement Resolution 2254 on the Syrian issue, which stipulates the start of peace talks in the country, stressing that the Syrian people are the ones who decide the future of the country, and calling for the formation of a transitional government and elections under the auspices of the United Nations.

The latest protests began following the Syrian regime's decision in mid-August to lift fuel subsidies, amid an economic crisis choking Syrians after more than 12 years of devastating conflict.

The protests began in the southern provinces of Daraa and Sweida, but momentum has continued in the predominantly Druze Sweida, which has for years seen sporadic movements against poor living conditions.

Demonstrations demanding the departure of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime began in March 2011 but were bloodily suppressed by the regime, leading to armed conflict ever since.