About 500 Jewish settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque during the morning and evening periods, which the Israeli occupation authorities allocate to Jewish extremists daily.

Al Jazeera correspondent reported that the Israeli occupation forces closed the Al-Maghariba Gate after the end of the evening period for the settlers to storm the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, on the second day of what is known as the Jewish holiday of Atonement.

The Islamic Waqf Department in Jerusalem condemned the raids, saying that they were not expected, especially on Yom Kippur, which requires them to abide by their sweeping and their homes and not to move.

The introduction of groups of extremists and Jewish settlers into the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the continuation of the occupation plan to divide the mosque temporally and spatially.

Intensification of incursions

On Monday, raids took place through the Mughrabi Gate in the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, in the form of groups guarded by the Israeli police.

Jewish forgiveness is the most sacred biblical occasion for Jews, when all actions they describe as worldly, including transportation, stop.

But far-right Israeli groups have called for intensified raids on the mosque on the occasion of Jewish Yom Kippur, which began on Sunday evening and continues until this evening.

For many years, the Jewish holiday season has been linked to Israeli extremists stepping up their raids on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

What they describe as the Day of Purification of Sins turns into a day of curse for the residents of the Old City of Jerusalem and the surrounding streets, where they are dismembered, and the roads towards Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Western Wall are devoid of the Arab presence in them.

Residents of these neighborhoods say that more than 2000,<> shops are forced to close their doors on this day, in addition to all government departments.

Arab condemnations

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt, in separate statements by their foreign ministries, condemned on Sunday the Israeli storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, calling on the international community to act to stop these attacks.

In a statement, the Saudi Foreign Ministry expressed the Kingdom's condemnation of the repetition of provocative practices carried out by a group of extremists to Al-Aqsa Mosque, under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces.

Qatar also condemned, in a statement by the Foreign Ministry, the storming of the mosque, considering it a flagrant violation of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy.

In turn, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry, in a statement, called on the Israeli occupation to stop all violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque and respect its sanctity, warning of escalation.

Egypt also saw in a statement by the Foreign Ministry these raids as a step that represents a new episode in a series of escalatory measures, which provoke the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world.