Police officers killed in Magnanville: seven years after the attack, the accused reiterates his innocence at his trial

On 13 June 2016, a police couple were murdered at their home by Larossi Abbala, in the presence of their three-year-old sons. This 25-year-old man, killed during the intervention of the raid, had claimed responsibility for the attack live on social networks claiming to be from the Islamic State. Seven years after this attack, the trial of a childhood friend of Abballa, Mohamed Lamine Aberouz, opened on Monday, September 25.

A sketch of the court made on September 25, 2023 shows Mohamed Lamine Aberouz (right) attending the first day of the trial of the Magnanville attack at the Palais de Justice in Paris. © Benoit Peyrucq / AFP

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I reiterate my strongest condemnations of Larossi Aballa for this monstrous act he committed. " said Mohamed Lamine Aberouz, 30. "I express my sympathy to the families of the victims. Their search for truth is logical. I hope to participate. I hope to be listened to. I reiterate my innocence," he added at the beginning of his trial scheduled until October 10.

To enlighten him on the personality of the accused, the Special Assize Court of Paris heard two young women: his former bride and his current wife. The first, Sarah and her long black hair, testifies from prison where she is serving 20 years for terrorism.

The second, Janna and her long blue veil, has just been released after seven years in prison for planning a terrorist attack. In the spring of 2016, it was Larossi Aballa who put Sarah in touch with Mohamed Lamine Aberouz. They exchange on the internet, consider marriage, but will never meet until they are arrested. "With Larossi, we were set on a departure to Syria. Mohamed wasn't his thing at all. Our conversations revolved around religion and adapting to living in France," says Sarah, the accused's ex-betrothed, who assures "if I had followed Mohamed's advice, I would not be in prison".

« Can I count on your support until the end? »

The accused is "composed, helpful," says Sarah. It is also she who puts him in contact with Janna, in 2019. Veiled from head to toe in a duck blue jilbab, hands on her hips, she responds sharply to the court before which she refused to take the oath. Janna, 25, says, "I didn't wait for Mohamed to be what you call 'radicalized.'"


The temptation of the accusation is to use you as a mirror of our client "Have you evolved from the way you saw armed jihad at the time? Answer: "Before, I was ready to take violent action to reciprocate those who wanted to kill my Muslim brothers and sisters.Today I know that in my religion I am a woman, so I don't have to fight. ». The accused, who married Janna religiously two years ago when they were both in custody, but sees her for the first time, asks to ask a question, which becomes a declaration of love. "Can I count on your support to the end?" asks the man who faces life imprisonment. Moved by his yes, he adds, "You know how much I love you, I hope the best is yet to come.


Life imprisonment

Did the couple's killer act alone? That is what the trial is all about. The prosecution is convinced that he had an accomplice in the house. It was Mohamed Lamine Aberouz who "designated" the couple of police officers "as the target of the attack," says the prosecutor general.

Traces of Mohamed Lamine Aberouz's DNA were found on the wrist rest of the couple's computer used to claim responsibility for the murder. Apart from these DNA traces, no other tangible evidence of his presence at the scene could be established, argue his lawyers Vincent Brengarth and Nino Arnaud. They intend to plead acquittal. According to them, Larossi Abballa was a "lone wolf" who did not need an accomplice.

Mohamed Lamine Aberouz is charged with complicity in the murder of a person holding public authority, criminal terrorist conspiracy and complicity in kidnapping in connection with a terrorist enterprise.


And with AFP)

" READ ALSO Police killed in Magnanville: seven years later, the trial opens in Paris

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