Two prestigious media outlets in the United States predicted that incumbent President Joe Biden would lose the November 2024 election if his rival from the Republican Party was his predecessor, Donald Trump.

In an article in Newsweek under the headline "Mr. President: You will lose to Trump... We beg you to step down," wrote US political commentator Genk Uyghur, saying that Biden's approval rating is at an all-time low, as recent polls show, with less than 40 percent of the American vote. Indeed, the incumbent president received a percentage of only his thirties in 3 of 6 recent polls.

Anyone he knows in Washington will see that the polls are "not fair," because Biden has passed more bills than any other president since President Greger Cleveland (1885-1889), "or something like that." He also approved a draft law on semiconductors.

But the bad news for everyone in the Democratic Party is that no one cares about the semiconductor bill or other bills that have helped donors to Biden's campaign so much. "Even if it's these bills, no American knows anything about them," Uyghur said.

Pro-Trump: Biden is a 'godsend', as Trump will not be able to beat anyone but him

If you're a Republican supporter, the political commentator preaches that Biden is a "godsend," as Trump can't beat anyone else.

Another poll showed that 59 percent of Americans believe Trump should end his campaign immediately and leave politics. In the same poll, Trump received 33 percent, while Biden performed worse with a lower point (32 percent).

The incumbent president should immediately withdraw from the next presidential race and give a chance to someone else who will be able to defeat Trump, according to a Newsweek article.

Although the author says he is not very fond of the Democrats who are able to raise the largest share of the donations that voters have to choose from, they will all beat Trump, not because they are great, he says, but because the former president is far worse than them, "and the [American] people know that. And that 6 out of 10 Americans despise him. However, Biden will lose to him."

Uyghur goes on to criticize the current president, quipping: "God would have helped the Democrats if he wasn't the Republican Party nominee, Donald Trump. Then Biden's chance of winning will be 0%."

Another American newspaper, the Washington Post, published an article that followed the same example as Newsweek, beginning with the dinner hosted last week by Biden's 2024 election campaign.

The banquet was attended by more than 100 wealthy Democrats and a handful of party leaders, who took turns showing their commitment to re-electing a president who "two in three Democratic voters say should step aside."

At the ceremony, Delaware Senator Christopher mocked a Washington Post article by columnist David Ignatius calling on Biden to step down because of his age.

said Ignatius revealed to him a big secret in that column he didn't know before: "Our president is 80 years old."

Nearly 5 months later, Biden's campaign is still doing its job mostly behind the scenes, except for the ads it constantly broadcasts and people in swing states see on television and cable news channels.

But beyond television cameras and, on private occasions, in suburban homes or a Broadway theater, Biden and his team began to put forward his case for re-election and confront age-related questions that followed the first months of his campaign.

According to the Washington Post, Biden's growing campaign crew moved to an office tower in Delaware and developed strategies for vosing, digital communication, data and a Electoral College map that they privately shared with donors during last week's two-day National Finance Committee meeting in Chicago.

The campaign did not officially identify the Republican opponent who would challenge the Democratic nominee in the next election, but it was clear to those attending the dinner that the campaign was aimed at removing Donald Trump, who controls the Republican primary.

Biden's weaknesses are addressed in the hallways of buildings but rarely raised in public hearings, Scherer argues in his article.

The author returns again to the article Ignatius wrote in his Washington Post column, in which he called on Biden to drop the candidacy because of his age.

Shearer stresses that there is little disagreement among the Democratic Party's top political class over the future of the campaign, despite the concerns of the wider public.

A CNN poll in late August showed that only 28 percent of Americans believe Biden "inspires confidence," while 67 percent of Democratic voters want to see a candidate other than Biden.