The 19th Asian Games opened in Hangzhou Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the Asian Games

Hangzhou, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- Qianjiang welcomes the grand event and joins hands to create a better future. The 23th Asian Games was grandly opened in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on the evening of the 23rd. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the Asian Games.

Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, as well as leaders and VIPs from all over Asia attended the opening ceremony.

At night, the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium, located on the bank of the Qiantang River, is brightly lit and illuminated. The building, shaped like a large lotus flower, witnessed the lighting of the Asian Games flame in China for the third time.

Before the opening ceremony, people from all over Zhejiang brought cultural performances with local characteristics, which set off the atmosphere very warmly.

At 19:58, amid the music of "Peace - Community of Destiny", Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, together with Singh, acting president of the Olympic Council of Asia, and Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, walked into the rostrum and waved to the audience. The audience broke into a long round of warm applause.

September 9 coincides with the "autumnal equinox" in the 23th solar term of the Chinese lunar calendar. At 20 o'clock sharp, the welcome performance "Water Autumn Radiance" began with the rousing drums beating out of 19 "water jade clan". With the countdown numbers in the center of the venue, the audience shouted in unison. On the ground screen, imprints such as jade cunning, jade birds, and divine emblems and ancient city ruins emerge one by one, from turquoise to golden, showing the natural trajectory of spring plowing and autumn harvest, showing the light of Liangzhu civilization and the beauty of golden harvest.

A magnificent scene of great rivers and mountains was presented in the venue, a red silk spread out, accompanied by the soulful melody of "I Love You China", 8 honor guards walked into the scene with firm steps, escorting the national flag of the People's Republic of China. The audience stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. The five-star red flag is rising, fluttering in the wind.

At 20:09, the athletes' entrance ceremony began. With the brisk music "Our Asia", sports delegations from 45 countries and regions entered one after another, which was warmly welcomed by the audience. The rousing melody of "Singing the Motherland" sounded, the host Chinese delegation entered last, Xi Jinping got up and waved, and the audience was jubilant, applause and cheers one after another. The Chinese delegation of 1329,886 people, including 38 athletes, will compete in 407 major events and <> small events of this Asian Games.

In his speech, Wang Hao, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Hangzhou Asian Games and Governor of Zhejiang Province, expressed his warmest welcome to the athletes from all countries and regions in Asia on behalf of the Organizing Committee and the 6500 million people of Zhejiang, wishing them great achievements, achieving dreams, enhancing friendship and harvesting happiness, so that the wonderful trip to the Hangzhou Asian Games will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Gao Zhidan, Chairman of the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee and President of the Chinese Olympic Committee, said in his speech that under the cordial care and strong leadership of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government, a wonderful Asian Games is about to begin. Let us carry forward the Olympic spirit, strive to create a new record in Asian sports, and work together to draw a new picture of a community with a shared future in Asia.

In his speech, Singh, Acting President of the Olympic Council of Asia, expressed his sincerest respect to the Chinese government, the Chinese Olympic Committee, the Zhejiang Provincial Government, the Hangzhou Municipal Government, the Asian Organizing Committee and Hangzhou citizens, as well as all those involved in the preparatory work, praised the wonderful preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games, and believed that everyone who participated in the Hangzhou Asian Games will gain a lifelong and unforgettable memory.

At 21:16, the opening ceremony ushered in an exciting moment. President Xi Jinping announced: Hangzhou <>th Asian Games opened! Suddenly, the audience boiled, the "digital fireworks" bloomed brilliantly, and the applause and cheers of the audience lasted for a long time.

Eight outstanding Chinese athletes and coaches held the Olympic Council of Asia flag on their hands. Accompanied by the Olympic Council of Asia anthem, the Olympic Council of Asia flag was slowly raised, flying high along with the five-star red flag.

Athletes Zheng Siwei and Sun Yingsha, referees Yang Zhongmin and Gao Jiaqi took the oath on behalf of all participating athletes and referees respectively.

The lights dimmed, and on the big screen, a short film called "Meet in Hangzhou" attracted the attention of the audience: the emblem of the Hangzhou Asian Games traveled through time, passed between people of different generations, and sent a warm invitation to the world.

The theatrical performance "Tide Rising Asia" kicked off, and the performance was divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. In the first part of "National Style and Elegant Rhyme", the young man of the national style paints the ground and dances with ink, the Song Yun woman stands in a jade pavilion and is flexible, the cruise ships come and go, the lights and shadows are dotted, and the Gongchen Bridge constructed by panoramic stereoscopic images jumps on the Grand Canal, showing the timeless scene of the prosperity of Qiantang and the charm of Jiangnan. In the novella "Qiantang Tide", actors swirling in the air dance with the tide, "Tide Maker" rides the sails into the trend, and the mascot "Jiang Nanyi" breaks through the water and jumps, inspiring a dynamic wave of movement. In the next part of "Hand in Hand", the "White Heron Spirit" travels in the sea of stars, with melodious singing and beautiful Yue opera singing, hundreds of college students holding luminous golden laurel to light up the long stretch of "Golden Laurel River", and landmark buildings from various Asian countries and regions are presented together, forming an Asian picture of beauty and beauty. The wonderful performance deeply moved the audience.

At 21:53, the lighting ceremony of the cauldron began. The Asian Games flame, collected from the ruins of the ancient city of Liangzhu, has been relayed throughout Zhejiang since 9 September, and finally arrived at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium.

In the stadium, six torchbearers including Ye Shiwen, Fan Zhendong, Xu Mengtao, Shi Zhiyong, Li Lingwei and Wang Shun ran in relay and won warm applause from the audience. At the same time, on the big screen at the scene, the "digital torchbearer" formed by more than 6 million people participating in the digital torch relay rushed to the high torch. The "Qianjiang Tide" cauldron tower slowly opened. In the midst of all the attention, the last torchbearer, Wang Shun, and the "digital torchbearer" lit the "Qianjiang Chaoyong" cauldron tower, and the Asian Games flame was burning.

"We share a home, hearts are together, love is added" "Billions of proud voices converge into one sentence, you and I live in Asia Minor"... The audience sang the theme song of the Hangzhou Asian Games "Together with Love", and the whole stadium turned into a sea of joy.

The opening ceremony was attended by King Sihamoni of Cambodia, President Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma of Syria, Crown Prince Mishal of Kuwait, Prime Minister Prachanda of Nepal, Prime Minister Xanana of Timor-Leste, Prime Minister Han Deok-so of the Republic of Korea, Speaker of the House of Commons of Malaysia Johari and his wife Noleni, as well as representatives of the Sultan of Brunei, Prince Soufri, Emir of Qatar on behalf of Prince Joan, Prince Faisal of Jordan, and Princess Siriwanwali of Thailand.

Wang Yi, Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, Wang Xiaohong and Chen Yiqin attended the opening ceremony.

Lee Ka-chiu, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Ho Iat Seng, Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and Hung Xiuzhu, former Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, attended the opening ceremony.

Olympic Council of Asia officials attended the opening ceremony. (End)