Germany: Markus Söder easily re-elected as leader of the CSU, ahead of a test election in Bavaria

Meeting this Saturday, September 23 in congress, the Christian Social Party re-elected by a large margin the Minister-President of Bavaria Markus Söder, two weeks before the test regional elections.

Markus Söder was comfortably re-elected president of the Bavarian Christian Social Party CSU on 23 September 2023. AFP - CHRISTOF STACHE

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With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibaut

The CSU president can breathe. With 96.5% of the vote, nine points more than two years ago, Markus Söder achieved a marshal's score. The result is reminiscent of blessed times when Christian Socials ruled Bavaria almost unchallenged. On Saturday in Munich, the delegates of the congress undoubtedly wanted to close ranks behind their leader.

But current polls are causing some excitement within the party, with voting intentions between 36 and 38 percent after a historically low score of 37 percent five years ago. Many parties would welcome such results; not UHC.

Markus Söder has, as usual, praised the merits of Bavaria in the leading pack in Germany. But he has also repeatedly attacked the Freie Wähler party, to the right of the CSU, with which Markus Söder governs. The movement climbs in the polls and nibbles precious points to the Christian-Socials.

The result of the Bavarian regionals in two weeks' time will be closely monitored. Markus Söder's political future on home soil is at stake, but also beyond his national ambitions, since a poor result would jeopardise his chances of being the conservative chancellor's candidate for chancellor in 2025.

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