Beijing, September 9 (ZXS) -- According to the news released by China's National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention on its official social media platform on the 22nd, the epidemic prevention and control team of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council issued a notice on the same day to make arrangements for the prevention and control of new coronavirus infection and other key infectious diseases around the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday in 22.

Speaking of the overall situation of the epidemic, the notice pointed out that since February 2023, the new crown epidemic situation in China has been low-level and wave-like, and the current situation of new crown and other infectious diseases is generally stable, but dengue fever in some provinces is in the high season, and influenza epidemics in some southern provinces are on the rise.

The notice pointed out that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday is connected, the people's willingness to travel is strong, the cross-regional movement of people, the number of people entering and leaving and entering and leaving and gathering activities will increase significantly, the risk of transmission of respiratory infectious diseases such as new crown will increase, the risk of the import and spread of mosquito-borne infectious diseases such as dengue fever and malaria will increase, and the risk of intestinal infectious diseases such as infectious diarrhea will increase.

Regarding the prevention and control of the new crown and other key infectious diseases before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, the notice puts forward a number of requirements, including "strengthening surveillance and early warning to ensure early detection of the epidemic".

The notice requires that before the holiday, the risk assessment of the epidemic situation should be strengthened, shortcomings should be checked to fill loopholes, targeted prevention and control measures should be taken, and hidden risks should be eliminated in a timely manner. During the holiday, epidemic monitoring and early warning should be strengthened, and epidemic information and health risk reminders should be released in real time. After the holiday, the development trend of the epidemic should be studied and judged in a timely manner, and the epidemic monitoring of key institutions such as schools, pension institutions and social welfare institutions should be done to strictly prevent the epidemic from rebounding. All localities should strengthen the management of information reporting on statutory infectious diseases to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of reporting.

The notice pointed out that medical institutions should strengthen the training of medical personnel, improve the diagnosis and treatment capacity of plague, monkeypox, dengue fever and other infectious diseases, and implement the "four early" requirements. It is necessary to strictly implement the requirements of the infectious disease pre-examination and triage system and the infection prevention and control system of medical institutions, strengthen the management of fever clinics and intestinal clinics, do a good job in personal protection of doctors and patients, and effectively avoid the occurrence of nosocomial infections. (End)