Lhasa, September 9 (Gongqao) -- On the 21th, the Consulate General of Nepal in Lhasa held the 20 Nepal National Day Reception in Lhasa. Chen Yongqi, deputy secretary of the Tibet Autonomous Region CPC Committee and executive vice chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, attended and delivered a speech.

The picture shows the Nepalese National Day reception held by the Consulate General of Nepal in Lhasa. Gong Que

Before the reception, Chen Yongqi met with Navaraj Dakar, Consul General of Nepal in Lhasa, and his entourage, extended festive congratulations and good wishes to the Nepalese Government and people on behalf of the regional party committee and government, Secretary Wang Junzheng and Chairman Yan Jinhai, and briefed Tibet's economic and social development. He pointed out that China and Nepal are good neighbors who are connected by mountains and rivers, are humanistic affinity, are friendly from generation to generation, and cannot be moved away for thousands of years. China's new development will provide new opportunities for the world, and Tibet's high-quality development will provide rare opportunities for neighboring countries, including Nepal. In the new era, China and Nepal should continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation, continuously expand the space for mutually beneficial development, jointly build a cross-Himalayan three-dimensional interconnection network, and jointly build a close community of common destiny between China and Nepal. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and I hope that the two sides will come and go more like relatives, move around more, and jointly write a new chapter of China-Nepal friendship.

The picture shows Chen Yongqi, Deputy Secretary of the Tibet Autonomous Region Party Committee and Executive Vice Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region, delivering a speech at the event. Gong Que Photo

The picture shows Navaraj Dakar, Consul General of the Consulate General of Nepal in Lhasa, speaking. Gong Que

Navaraj Dakar said that the close communication and cooperation between Nepal and China is of great benefit to both sides. Nepal looks forward to further strengthening comprehensive exchanges and exchanges with China and Tibet, further enhancing exchanges and cooperation in the fields of key tourism infrastructure and port construction, and actively integrating into the "Belt and Road" construction to achieve common prosperity and development. (End)