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Catching the election: Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki


Wojtek Jargilo v EPA

Poland has reacted sharply to recent remarks by Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky, who accused the neighbor of "political theater" in connection with the ban on grain exports.

"I would like to tell President Zelensky never to insult Poles again, as he did in his recent speech to the United Nations," the PAP news agency quoted Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki as saying. Earlier on Friday, Polish President Andrzej Duda tried to de-escalate, saying that the dispute between Poland and Ukraine over grain imports would not significantly strain good bilateral relations.

Poland decided last week to extend the ban on imports of Ukrainian grain. This has put a lot of strain on relations between the neighbours. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Poland has been considered one of Ukraine's most loyal allies. Zelensky caused anger when he told the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week that his government was trying to preserve land routes for exports, but that the "political theater" around it would only help Moscow.

Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau wrote in an article for Politico magazine that Poland wants a strong Ukrainian state with a dynamic economy to emerge from the war. Warsaw will continue to support Ukraine's efforts to join NATO and the EU. It serves both Poland's interests: to support Ukraine in the fight against the Russian invasion and to protect Polish citizens from unfair economic competition.

Rau: Public perception has changed

However, speaking to reporters in New York, Rau said that Poland has not changed its policy towards Ukraine. However, the Polish public's perception of relations between the two countries has changed "radically". To improve this, a "gigantic" diplomatic effort is needed.

The EU Commission had recently not extended a corresponding ban on Ukrainian exports after Kiev had promised stricter controls. Poland, as well as Slovakia and Hungary, then imposed national restrictions. They argued that cheap Ukrainian agricultural products, mainly intended for transit to the west and ports, are sold locally, thereby harming their own farmers. Slovakia settled the dispute on Thursday and agreed on a licensing system with Ukraine.

Morawiecki said that if there is a destabilization of other markets and the European Commission does not act, Poland will again take unilateral measures. "For the protection of Polish farmers, I will never hesitate to make such a decision."

In Poland, a new parliament will be elected in about three weeks. The far right has accused Morawiecki's ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party of a subservient attitude towards Ukraine. According to analysts, this has led PiS to take a more confrontational stance towards Kiev during the election campaign. According to polls, PiS will remain the strongest party, but may not win its own majority in parliament.
