Stéphane Place (correspondent in Bordeaux)/Photo credit: Philippe LOPEZ / AFP 08:08, September 22, 2023

The royal couple will spend the afternoon of Friday, September 22 in Gironde. They will meet the ecologist mayor of Bordeaux, Pierre Hurmic, and visit an experimental forest and an organic vineyard. So for the occasion, the city revised its protocol.

A convinced ecologist, King Charles III placed the environment at the heart of his last stage in France, Friday in Bordeaux on former English lands, where he will meet the ecologist mayor Pierre Hurmic before visiting an experimental forest and an organic vineyard. In terms of reception protocol, the city is still revising its notes. Indeed, there is little chance that Pierre Hurmic, the mayor of Bordeaux, will wear during the visit of the sovereign the pair of tennis that suits this tireless walker.

>> READ ALSO - Visit of Charles III in France: the king visited the construction site of Notre-Dame

Preparatory visits

Well aware of the stakes of the royal visit, the elected ecologist will naturally respect the protocol: "It is not common, there is a little stress, I would greet him by respecting the appropriate terms in English. But the king is very keen to speak French, I don't want to offend him too much to speak French. Well, it's not theater either!" No rehearsals but countless preparatory visits. This Friday afternoon Queen Camilla will visit the premises of the Bordeaux charity "Le pain de l'Amitié" which offers meals to the homeless.

"We bow and we say 'Your Majesty' the first time and then we say 'Madame'," said Philippe Traissac, director of the association that will be responsible for welcoming the queen. Everything seems ready for the people of Bordeaux.