Thailand: the king's son is controversial by opening the debate on lèse-majesté

It is an exit as rare as it is unexpected. One of the Thai king's seven children visited an exhibition on the campus of Columbia University in New York that pays tribute to the victims of a controversial law in Thailand that punishes any criticism of the royal family. He even published a comment following this visit, while on September 20, a former MP was banned for life from the political scene for publishing old photos deemed disrespectful to the monarchy.

Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse, son of Thailand's King Rama X, here in Bangkok on August 10, 2023. AP - Sakchai Lalit

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Each person has their own opinion based on their own experiences. Not listening to them will not make their opinions disappear," Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday (September 19th). Even if the son of King Rama X assures that he loves and respects the monarchy, his publication surprises, because it breaks a taboo: the child of the king, who works as a lawyer in New York, calls to open the debate on lèse-majesté, an extremely sensitive subject in Thailand.

Currently, more than 200 people are being prosecuted under Article 112, which punishes defamation of the royal family with up to 15 years in prison. According to human rights organizations, the text only serves to repress any dissenting voices.

The "Move Forward" party, the big winner of the last general elections, had promised to reform the law. But the military-royalist elite finally managed to block this movement at the gates of power, further frustrating the pro-democracy youth who had taken to the streets in 2020.

The palace did not react to the unexpected exit of the member of the royal family.

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