• Reflection Cristina Pedroche, in her first month as a mother: "It is difficult for me to be 'stable' and I cry a lot without knowing why"
  • Controversy Cristina Pedroche poses in a bikini three weeks after giving birth: "There is no luck or miracles, there is a lot of preparation before and during pregnancy"

Cristina Pedroche has reappeared on television to explain how she is carrying her first motherhood and has made it clear that she has the help of her husband, the popular chef Dabiz Muñoz. She is so delighted that she does not rule out getting pregnant again, but for now she wants to enjoy her new life. He has given some details so that the public understands his position, but acknowledges that he is very careful because he does not always receive positive messages. That's why she still hasn't posted any photos of her daughter, little Laia.

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The great physical change of Dabiz Muñoz to solve a health problem


The great physical change of Dabiz Muñoz to solve a health problem

Cristina Pedroche has always carried sincerity as a flag. Two months ago she gave birth to her baby and from the first moment she has shared the details of the process she is experiencing. Of course, he has more and more reservations, because he knows that not everyone receives information in the same way. He has recently posted a mysterious image on his Instagram account: a lit candle and a lucky stone.

Pedroche's message

The presenter has written a text next to the photograph: "An important day. I put a candle to ask that everything goes well." He has not given more data, so the public is speculating with several options. It is evident that he is asking for something important to her, although the cause is still unknown.

Although the message is strange, Cristina has then published a video walking with her baby. He has not commented on his previous post, but with this gesture he wanted to show that the situation was controlled.

You are back at work

Cristina Pedroche is gradually resuming her habits, that's why she has decided to return to the small screen. The first thing he has done has been to give an interview to Sonsoles Ónega in the program Y ahora Sonsoles. As it could not be otherwise, he spoke from the heart and revealed how he was facing his new life.

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"I talk to everyone as if they were a baby and I don't leave the house much," he began saying on Antena 3. "I'm just with my daughter. I took 15 days before to mentalize everything and I'm leaving little by little, I'm forcing myself. " At this time the most important thing for her is the well-being of her baby, although she cannot neglect it either. Before returning to television, he confessed that he was too sensitive.

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"I cry every day a little bit. Motherhood is a journey and I too was born as a mother. I have new fears and emotions, but I am happy and it is beautiful. I'm dying of love," he said.

  • Cristina Pedroche