Pascal Praud SEASON 2023 - 202413h23, September 20, 2023

Pascal Praud returns for two hours, without concession, on all the subjects that make the news. Today, Charles III's visit to France, school bullying, migrants in Lampedusa, insecurity in Nantes and the sale of fuel at a loss.

Do you want to react? Call (non-surcharged number) or go to Europe 1's social networks to deliver your opinion and debate on the major themes developed in the program of the day.

Program of the day's show:


King Charles III in France

Guest: Bertrand Deckers, journalist and royal columnist.

- The France "will not welcome migrants" from the Italian island of Lampedusa, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said last night

- School bullying: a bully schoolboy stopped in class by police officers

- Nantes, a city plagued by insecurity and drug trafficking - 4 people tortured and kidnapped in the city Malakoff

- Selling fuel at a loss is no for distributors. How do we fill up?

Guest: Pierre Chasseray General delegate of the association 40 million motorists and car columnist on CNews.