In early autumn, good news came from the Tarim Basin of Xinjiang: China's first 1,<>-meter exploration well, the deep Taco <> well, was drilled more than half deep, and it is advancing to ultra-deep formation.

In the heart of the desert, Liu Jinlong, an engineer at PetroChina's Tarim Oilfield Exploration Division, and his team members are busy "digging gold" underground to explore the practical application of ultra-deep well technology. Liu Jinlong said: "The depth of the Taco 1 well in the deep ground is planned to exceed 300,<> meters, which will take more than <> days, which will be the fastest drilling time for <>,<> meters deep in the world. ”

On January 2023, 1, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited grassroots cadres and people in Beijing via video link, extending good wishes for the Chinese New Year to the people of all ethnic groups across the country. This is Xi Jinping's cordial exchange with employees of the Clara Gas Gathering Area, the first stop of the West-to-East Gas Transmission Center of the Lunan Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Center of Tarim Oilfield Company, through a video link. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Tao

"Energy security is related to the overall economic and social development of our country and is one of the most important security." January 2023, 1 is the 18th lunar month, General Secretary Xi Jinping said when connecting with the first station of the Tarim Oilfield Company's Lunan Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Center in the West-to-East Gas Transmission Area of the Kra Gas Gathering Area.

In recent years, Xinjiang has given full play to its advantages in oil and gas, coal, minerals and other resources and industries, and promoted the construction of national large-scale oil and gas production, processing and reserve bases, large-scale coal, coal, electricity, coal chemical bases, large-scale wind power bases and national energy resources onshore channels ("three bases and one channel"), making contributions to national energy security and supply.

Make a good "first hand chess" to ensure people's livelihood and supply, and consolidate the "chassis" of energy security

In the barren Gobi and the "forbidden area of life" surrounded by steep mountains, the "heartbeat" of clean energy is beating in bright yellow gas pipelines.

The weather is gradually getting cooler, and the "military trumpet" to do a good job in ensuring natural gas supply this winter and next spring has been sounded in Tarim Oilfield: promote drilling of key wells for natural gas supply, organize and carry out pigging operations of the main pipelines of West-to-East Gas Transmission, and open a new mode of "intelligent + manual" inspection ...

Recalling the video connection with the general secretary at the beginning of this year, Chang Guichuan, secretary of the general party branch of the Lunan Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Center, said: "We are not only the first in geographical location, but also the first in loyalty and safety production." It is necessary to transform the general secretary's earnest entrustment into a powerful driving force and firmly hold the energy rice bowl in his own hands. ”

Tarim Oilfield is the main gas source of China's "West-to-East Gas Transmission" and the primary gas source of southern Xinjiang, providing guarantee for citizens in southern Xinjiang and 15 provinces and autonomous regions along the downstream route. Up to now, the oilfield has supplied more than 3300 billion cubic meters of gas to the west to the east, keeping the promise of "no short-term supply and no one-day interruption".

As an important energy production base in China, Xinjiang is not only rich in oil and gas resources, but also the first in the country in coal resource reserves, the first in the amount of solar energy resource technology that can be developed, and the second in the country in the amount of wind energy resource technology that can be developed.

During the peak summer period, major coal production bases in Xinjiang stepped up production and made every effort to ensure supply. In the open-pit coal mining area of the Dananhu No. 2 Mine in Hami City, unmanned wide-body mining trucks cooperate with on-site excavators to continuously transport coal out of the mining area. A number of coal enterprises such as the National Energy Group have deeply participated in the balance of the national energy market, and the scope of "Xinjiang coal export transportation" has gradually expanded to central, eastern and southern China.

In addition, in order to further ensure the supply of the national electricity market, State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. adheres to the national "one network" and "one game of chess", while ensuring the balance of electricity in Xinjiang, it does its best to mobilize the power supply resources of the whole Xinjiang. At present, Xinjiang transmits an average of 3 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per day, converting Xinjiang's rich resources into electric energy and transmitting them to the whole country to meet power demand.

Gnawing the "hard bones" of scientific and technological research to release the potential of energy resource development

"My major is resource exploration engineering, and staying here can realize the value of life." In 2020, Ding Guiyang, a student at the Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), chose to stay in Xinjiang after graduation and entered the Tarim Oilfield to work in the same year.

Only desolate desert, no desolate life! That year, 118 graduates of the Karamay Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), including Ding Guiyang, received a cordial reply from the general secretary. In the past three years, they have used their expertise, rooted in the frontier, and left a footprint of struggle in the front line of oil and gas development.

Derricks soar, rigs rumble, drilling, cementing, logging... In the Taklamakan Desert, known as the "Sea of Death", more than 200 people fought at the drilling site of the deep Taco 1 well, and oil and gas exploration and development was in full swing.

There are 13 engineering difficulty index coefficients recognized in the world for drilling and completion, 7 indicators in the Tarim Basin rank first, and other indicators are also in the forefront, and the comprehensive difficulty is rare in the world.

"Searching for oil and gas in the combination of underground rock formations that are 'only in China and rare in the world' is comparable to climbing 'Mount Everest'." Liu Jinlong said that in the face of world-class exploration and development problems, Tarim Oilfield broke the traditional form of scientific research organization and changed the "small team" into a "group army", allowing multi-professional and multi-disciplinary close cooperation and coordinated operations.

Unlimited scenery at the peak! At present, Tarim Oilfield has successfully drilled 8000 ultra-deep wells of more than 104,<> meters, which provides sufficient basic conditions, technical preparation and experience accumulation for the future exploration of the new era of "<>,<> meters era".

Marching into the deep part of the earth, finding oil and gas in the "underground Mount Everest", and asking for production capacity from science and technology are the "magic weapons" for Xinjiang's oil and gas equivalent to rank first in the country for two consecutive years.

In the first half of the year, the volume of "Xinjiang coal export" increased significantly, with a year-on-year increase of 78.8%. Through the construction of smart mines, 5G, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies have been gradually promoted, realizing the transformation from "coal mining" to "smart coal mining", and inserting intelligent "wings" for coal supply.

Data show that in the first half of the year, Xinjiang's raw coal output was 21151.12 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 16.5%; crude oil output was 1680.37 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 3.5%; natural gas production was 215.61 billion cubic meters, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%; The power generation capacity was 2375.01 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%.

Press the "accelerator" of project construction to strengthen the modern energy economy

"The girl in Dabancheng has long braids, and the two eyes are so beautiful..." Wang Luobin's song "The Girl of Dabancheng" made the Silk Road town resound all over the country. It is also the "cradle" of China's wind power development and the "museum" of wind turbines.

On August 8, the second "big instead small" technical transformation and capacity expansion project of Xinjiang Dabancheng, a national energy group Longyuan Power, successfully completed the lifting of the first unit. The project has played a positive demonstration role in the wind power industry in Xinjiang and even the whole country.

Since the beginning of this year, Xinjiang has promoted a number of key projects in the fields of electric power, oil and gas, and coal from "paper" to "ground", and has taken pragmatic measures to build a national strategic guarantee base for energy resources.

On August 8, the Hami-Chongqing ± 8 kV UHVDC project started, which will build a "highway" of "west-to-east power transmission"; On August 800, the construction of the largest 8GW photovoltaic project in Xinjiang began, marking a new era in the development of the XPCC's new energy industry. On August 30, the progress of the new channel of "Xinjiang Coal Foreign Transportation" will be completed by more than 3%, and the capacity of Xinjiang's foreign transportation channel will be comprehensively improved after it is opened...

To implement the "dual carbon" strategy, the energy sector is the main battlefield. On August 8, the 30 MW photovoltaic power station of Xinjiang Kuqa Green Hydrogen Demonstration Project achieved full capacity grid-connection. So far, China's first 300,<>-ton photovoltaic green hydrogen demonstration project has been fully completed and put into operation. "The project provides a replicable and scalable demonstration case for the large-scale industrial application of green hydrogen production from renewable energy in China." Fan Linsong, general manager of Sinopec Nova Xinjiang Green Hydrogen Company, said.

This year, Xinjiang will accelerate the construction of 10 million kilowatt-level new energy bases such as Hami North, Zhundong, Southern Xinjiang Huanta, and Ruoqiang, accelerate the expansion of multiple million-kilowatt-level new energy agglomeration areas such as Dabancheng and Bailifeng District, and promote the construction of the largest new energy delivery base in China.

Energy import is one of the important elements to ensure national energy security. In recent years, Xinjiang has deepened production capacity cooperation with neighboring countries, encouraged and supported enterprises in Xinjiang to participate in the exploration and development of oil and gas resources in the "Belt and Road countries", and provided strong support for the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt and China's opening to the west.

Wang Qianran, Secretary of the Party Group of the Development and Reform Commission of the autonomous region, said that based on coal, a new pattern of coal development with secure and stable supply, clean and efficient utilization, and green and intelligent development will be built; Oil and gas are the key, continue to increase natural gas exploration and development and large-scale oil and gas field construction, rationally optimize and intensively layout oil and gas reserve facilities, and enhance oil and gas security capabilities; In the direction of new energy, guide all prefectures to form a regional new energy development layout "one map", promote the coordinated development of wind, solar and water storage, exert the cluster effect by supplementing the chain and extending the chain, strive to build a high-quality development pattern of new energy and related industries, and expand and strengthen Xinjiang's modern energy economy.

Volleys are difficult to achieve in a thousand years; Only by seeking truth and being pragmatic can we do well and achieve good results. Xinjiang will firmly grasp the strategic positioning in the overall situation of the country, adhere to seeking progress while maintaining stability, anchor the construction of a national strategic guarantee base for energy resources, comprehensively promote the construction of the national "three bases and one channel" in the new era, and build a solid "ballast stone" for energy security. (Zhang Simin also contributed to this article)

(People's Network, Tang Xiaoyong, Han Ting, Yang Rui, Chen Xinhui, Li Xinyang)