Britain's Nicky Newman has died at the age of 35, five and a half years after she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, her husband has shared on social media.

Newman, born in Surrey County, was told in April 2018 that she suffered from the disease and in the same week suffered a miscarriage. Soon after, he was informed that the cancer had spread and was incurable.

From that moment on, she became a popular cancer campaigner in Britain with her slogan "catch life". She tried to make women aware of the importance of self-exploration and used social networks to share with her followers her treatment, her evolution and her joys.

But just over a month ago, he said his situation had worsened. And on Monday, her husband released a statement written by her announcing her death.

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"If you're reading this, it means I've died. I did it five and a half years after diagnosis, not bad at all for stage 4 cancer," the brief begins. "And nothing about 'she fought the battle.' I didn't lose anything, the cancer finally went its way. We all knew this was going to happen."

In his posthumous writing, Nicky Newman encourages his fans to enjoy every moment. " We are never prepared to hear these words, we think that we are indestructible and that a magic cure will appear, but the truth is that we all live this life day by day. So please promise me that you will appreciate those around you and give your friends and loved ones the biggest hug. CATCH LIFE! You never know what awaits you around the corner, so don't take anything for granted," he wrote.

He also encouraged his followers to continue in the fight against cancer. "You have all become part of my legacy, my 'Instagramily' in the words of MR.G. (her husband) and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here every step of the way. There are more things to come, which will aim to continue that legacy. I believe in energies and if people hold on to the positive energy we have created from this and similar pages, I will always be with you."

  • Breast cancer