The American edition of The New York Times, based on the results of its own investigation, concluded that the missile attack on the village of Konstantinovka, controlled by the Kyiv regime, was carried out from the positions of the Ukrainian army.

"The evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite images, eyewitness accounts and social media posts, gives good reason to believe that the catastrophic strike was the result of a Ukrainian air defense missile fired from the Buk air defense system that went astray," the article says.

The authors of the article note that Volodymyr Zelensky, and then the Ukrainian media, a couple of hours after the explosion in Kostiantynivka, began to blame Russia for what happened. At the same time, the Ukrainian side tried to prevent American journalists from gaining access to the wreckage of the rocket and the crash site immediately after the strike, but they still managed to get there, interview witnesses and collect the remains of the shell.

Thus, local residents told the NYT that the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired two surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles towards the front line from the city of Druzhkivka, located near Kostiantynivka. This was also written by local residents on social networks. In addition, the footage from the surveillance camera shows that at least four people, turning around at the sound of an approaching shell, are looking towards the territory controlled by the Kyiv regime.

In addition, the explosives expert came to the conclusion that the dimensions of the holes and fragments correspond in shape and size to the 9M38 missile, which is launched from the Buk air defense system.

It should be noted that The New York Times published the material on the day of Volodymyr Zelensky's arrival in New York, where he will personally speak at the UN General Assembly for the first time.

"The media reports that he has scheduled meetings with President Biden, meetings in Congress are expected. It is obvious that the Kiev dependent in every sense of the beggar is going to beg for money and, accordingly, weapons from their American masters, "said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, commenting on this fact.

Earlier, Julian Röpke, a military observer for the German edition of Bild, also concluded that the missile was fired from the territory controlled by Ukraine. At the same time, Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of Volodymyr Zelensky's office, noted that the Kyiv regime does not intend to conduct an investigation because of the obviousness of its results.

Attack on Kostiantynivka

Recall that on September 6, an explosion occurred in the central market in Konstantinovka, controlled by the Kyiv regime, as a result of a missile strike. According to the latest data, 16 people died, another 32 were injured.

Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council on September 8, noted that the tragedy in Konstantinovka was carried out by the Kyiv regime in conjunction with the visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

"Another disgusting lie, with which the Western media cover up another clumsy provocation of the Kiev regime, committed according to an already established tradition in connection with the visit of another high-ranking Western visitor, Anthony Blinken. We have no doubt that it was made with the expectation of providing the agonizing regime with another dose of weapons and financial injections. The same scheme was used to concoct a disgusting provocation in Bucha in April 2022. Surely there will be new similar "Goebbels" representations of the Kiev regime, "he said.

Also on the "Preparing for an attack on the Russian Federation and Donbass": RT found evidence of arms supplies to Ukraine in 2018-2021

"Fatigue from Ukraine is present"

The publication of The New York Times regarding the missile strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Konstantinovka is primarily aimed at the American consumer, political scientist Yuri Svetov told RT.

"There is fatigue from Ukraine, but there are no publications of this kind without a command from above. Now there are fierce disputes: whether to allocate money to Ukraine or not, how to allocate it, what to control, and everything revolves around these stories. Since Zelensky's visit to the United States is formally for a UN session, but in fact it is again to ask for money, maybe an investigation is being put under this," he stressed.

According to Vladimir Olenchenko, a senior researcher at the Center for European Studies of the IMEMO RAS, Volodymyr Zelensky received a kind of response from the United States for a large number of accusations and claims against Western curators against the backdrop of the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the counteroffensive.

"One of these days there will be a meeting between Biden and Zelensky, and according to the logic of negotiations, of course, the head of the White House needs some kind of negativity in order to respond to Zelensky's requests. There may be such a moment here that Biden can poke his nose and say: "We give you weapons, and you dispose of them uncontrollably." Well, in general, to educate Ukrainians, to show them that they do not fulfill everything that the Americans would like to do. Americans do not want to be involved in actions against civilians, "he said.

In turn, Konstantin Blokhin, a researcher at the Center for Security Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that the statements of the American media confirming the war crimes of the Kyiv regime are part of the internal political struggle in the United States between Democrats and Republicans.

"Some are in favor of more efficient spending of funds on Ukraine, others are in favor of absolute support for Ukraine. If Biden is in favor of allocating funds for Ukraine "at the click of a button", then the Republicans are in favor of spending funds more efficiently and looking more closely at all this, "he stressed.