Wang Yi, Chinese Foreign Minister in Russia for security talks

Chinese diplomacy is at the maneuver this Monday, September 18. Chinese Vice President Han Zheng is scheduled to meet with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is returning to Moscow after meeting this weekend in Malta with US Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

Wang Yi, China's top diplomat, is in Russia to talk security. © AFP

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With our correspondent in Beijing, Stéphane Lagarde

According to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this trip to Russia should last four days for the one who, since this summer, wears both hats, that of both director of the Central Foreign Office of the Chinese Communist Party and that of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Wang Yi, who was in Moscow to present China's "peace plan" for Ukraine in February 2023, is back in Russia to talk security.

The "joker" Pyongyang

A trip that comes the day after the meeting between Kim Jong-un and the Russian leaders. A meeting that, for many observers, could not have been done without the approval of Beijing, which could use the "joker" Pyongyang to help Russia in its war in Ukraine; This has always been denied by the Chinese authorities, defending a neutral position on the conflict. This trip to Russia also comes the day after the surprise exchange between Wang Yi and Jake Sullivan in Malta.

A new trip by Putin to China?

The Chinese State Councilor and the US National Security Advisor discussed Sino-Russian relations and North Korea, but also Taiwan. While the meeting between Chinese Vice President Han Zheng and the US Secretary of State on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly could pave the way for a visit by Xi Jinping to the US on the sidelines of the APEC summit in San Francisco in November, Wang Yi's return to Russia is supposed to pave the way for another official trip by Vladimir Putin to China.

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