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The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has called on Monday for citizens to take to the streets to "raise their voices against amnesty" in the demonstrations in Madrid and Barcelona, convened by the PP and Catalan Civil Society. This was expressed by the popular leader in the Forum of EL MUNDO where she remarked that "amnesty is a massive scam against Spain, democracy, the rule of law, the Constitution, judges, laws, truth, equality of Spaniards before the law and freedom. "

"They have said it themselves a thousand times before, that amnesty has no place in the Constitution or in any democratic system. But today they don't care what they said yesterday. As much as they try to explain it, it is pathetic to see Patxi López, Bolaños or any other trying to amend what they defended so many times, "said the president of Madrid, who has once again stressed that Pedro Sánchez must call new elections and explain the amnesty within his electoral program because, as he added, "will be one of the greatest frauds in our history" and "an ignominy that can cost us survival as a nation."

That is why Ayuso has defended that, at this time, "everything that is to demonstrate and raise your voice for everyone either in the media, in a forum like this, in interviews, in the street is fundamental." "As president of the Community of Madrid I have hardly gone to demonstrations, I do not usually go to any because those of us who represent institutional work represent all citizens. When they have happened I have supported them and I have preferred not to go, but this is something different because it affects all Spaniards and our rule of law, "he said.

"Getting out of this quagmire concerns us all. And we will achieve it, if we fight together with hard work, with desire and conviction. We have seen ourselves in much darker times and we have moved forward. It's so much more that unites us, and it's too good and beautiful to let a daffodil and a rabid minority put it in danger."

The regional president has also delved into that "amnesty has gone from not fitting in the Constitution or democracy to having a price." "With 1.6% of the vote, Puigdemont has brought Pedro Sánchez to his knees and speaks to him like a servant. Meanwhile, the minister who paid homage to Hugo Chávez [Yolanda Díaz] now does so with a fugitive," he said in reference to the meeting of the vice president and the former president in Belgium.

At this point Ayuso has made a reference to the Socialists critical of Sánchez's strategy, citing Nicolás Redondo, Joaquín Leguina or Felipe González. "The internal rebellion of the Socialists against Sánchez shows that this is no longer left and right, but patriotism and decency, he said while asking for "dignity" to the president of the Government before "the rupture of the PSOE and a few leaders" because Moncloa is "thrown into the arms of Puigdemont. " It is time for the presidents of the Government to speak, including Zapatero who has been very quiet lately. [...] It seems to me an act of courage of Felipe González to do it when he could be looking the other way, "he said.

  • Community of Madrid
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Patxi Lopez
  • PP
  • Isabel Diaz Ayuso
  • Amnesty
  • Felix Bolanos
  • Felipe Gonzalez
  • PSOE
  • Belgium
  • Yolanda Diaz
  • Hugo Chavez
  • José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero