The recent wave of violence in Stockholm and Uppsala has shaken Sweden. Several of the attacks are suspected to be linked to the Foxtrot network, where an internal conflict within the criminal gang has led to a split into several factions.

The main conflict consists of Rawa Majid, the "Kurdish fox" on one side, and another leader, whose mother was shot dead last week, on the other.

New death list

Details of a new death list of intended victims have been drawn up within the network. In this case, it is about people on Rawa Majid's side of the conflict who are on the list, according to information.

"There is strong opposition to Rawa Majid and his faction who are being singled out as responsible for this escalation and the woman who was shot. In connection with this, a death list has been created, says Diamant Salihu.

Rawa Majid is said to be at the top of the list and it is also said that money has been raised to try to get the people on the list murdered.

"You want to be able to pay torpedoes who are willing to take on this type of mission and clear away the enemies that you, at all costs, want to get rid of.

Children are recruited

In several cases, children have been recruited as torpedoes and one thing that has become clear in the split, according to Diamant, is that very young people are taken to Stockholm where they live in different apartments and receive assignments basically every night.

"Some form of terror cells has been created, as many describe it.

In some cases, young people are provided with weapons and an address where they said to go to try to find the intended target. The leadership layer, which can sit in Turkey or other Swedish cities, incites the young people to carry out the deeds.