The two small sarcophagi containing the fossils of anthropomorphic creatures were presented Tuesday to deputies by Jaime Maussan, a journalist specializing in ufology, the study of flying objects and unidentified aerospace phenomena.

"They are non-human beings, who are not part of our earthly evolution," he said during a session organized by a deputy, Sergio Gutiérrez, in the name of the "public interest".

The mummies found in Peru are "about 1,000 years old," he said, citing carbon-14 analyses by the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

These mummies "are a creation denounced years ago," said the French edition of the Huffington Post, recalling the controversies around the "documentary" "Unearthing Nazca" in 2017.

Jaime Maussan, self-proclaimed ufology journalist, in front of Mexican deputies, on September 13, 2023 in Mexico City © Handout / Mexican Parliament / AFP

One of the mummies "was appraised by an anthropologist. His conclusions are clear: the mummy in question is an assemblage of different mummified human remains," adds the Huffington Post.

"Receiving Jaime Maussan at the Chamber of Deputies shows this country's contempt for science," said a Mexican netizen.

Others derided the hearing, calling for Maussan to become the "president of intergalactic relations."

On July 26, a former intelligence officer, David Grusch, told a US congressional committee that authorities were withholding evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials.

Mr. Grusch assured that he was "absolutely" convinced that the United States was in possession of a UFO, now designated as an "unidentified anomalous phenomenon" ("UAP") by the American authorities, and even the remains of its operators.

Two alleged mummies of extraterrestrials presented to Parliament, on September 13, 2023 in Mexico City © Handout / Mexican Congress / AFP

NASA has recently called for more efforts to scientifically study these UAPs, as has the Pentagon, which is concerned about possible espionage activities. Chinese.

In 20 years, Mexican authorities have received 1,011 requests for information from citizens about these paranormal manifestations, revealed an official of the National Institute for Access to Information and for the Protection of Personal Data (INAI).

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