By 2030, 67% of the country's treatable desertification land will be treated -

High-quality promotion of sand prevention and control (Beautiful China)

Core reading

The National Plan for Desertification Prevention and Control (2021-2030) (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) was recently released in full. The Plan clarifies the overall thinking, work priorities, goals and tasks of desertification prevention and control in the coming stage, which is conducive to comprehensive, scientific, systematic and sustained desertification control and high-quality promotion of desertification prevention and control.

Since the 2033th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's national defense and desertification control work has achieved remarkable results, a total of 53.4 million hectares of desertification land treatment tasks have been completed, <>% of the treatable desertification land has been treated, the area of desertification and desertification land in the country has been net reduced for four consecutive monitoring periods, and the key treatment areas have achieved a historic transformation from "sand into people retreating" to "green entering and retreating".

By 2030, decisive progress will be made in desertification prevention and control

The "Plan" specifies the goals and tasks of desertification prevention and control in the next stage, that is, by 2025, the task of desertification land treatment will be completed 1 million mu, and the area of desertification land will be closed and protected by 02 million mu; by 3000, 2030 million mu of desertification land treatment tasks will be completed, 1 million mu of desertification land will be closed and protected, 86% of the country's treatable desertification land will be treated, and decisive progress will be made in desertification prevention and control.

"The Plan is a guiding document for carrying out desertification prevention and control work and implementing the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and is the main basis for provincial people's governments to prepare desertification prevention and control plans in their respective administrative regions. The tasks of desertification prevention and control in each province determined in the Plan are important indicators for carrying out the assessment of provincial desertification prevention and control term goals and responsibilities and the supervision and assessment of the forest chief system. Sun Guoji, director of the Department of Desertification Control of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, said that conscientiously organizing the implementation of the Plan is of great significance for promoting the construction of China's ecological civilization, ensuring national ecological security, building a beautiful China, and fully implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

"In the next stage, China's national defense and desertification control work should follow the overall idea of giving priority to protection, key restoration and appropriate utilization, relying on major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems in the country, taking the national comprehensive demonstration area for desertification prevention and control as the guide, focusing on building a solid important ecological security barrier in the north, with the goal of protecting the ecology and improving people's livelihood, fully mobilizing all forces, extensively carrying out international cooperation and exchanges, and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of desertification prevention and control." Sun Guoji said.

According to local conditions, implement classified protection of desertification land

In terms of overall layout, the Plan comprehensively considers factors such as the spatial distribution of desertification land, the similarity of governance directions, and the relative concentration and contiguity of geographical areas, and divides China's desertification land into arid deserts and oases, semi-arid, alpine of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, coastal riverside humidity, and other desertification land type areas and 23 prevention and control areas.

Sun Guoji introduced that according to the distribution characteristics of desertification land and the carrying capacity of water resources, the "Plan" determines seven key construction areas. Among them, three areas, namely eastern Inner Mongolia and the mountainous hills of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Kubuqi Desert and Maowusu Sandy Land, Hexi Corridor and Alxa Plateau, are priority treatment areas, and it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions and build defenses according to hazards, and strengthen sand prevention and control; Four areas, namely the Gurbantunggut Desert and Oasis Area, the Taklamakan Desert and Oasis Area, the Qaidam Basin Desert and the Republican Basin, and the "Two Rivers and Four Rivers" River Valley in Tibet, are priority prevention areas, with the protection of desertification land as the main focus and treatment as the supplement.

The Plan clearly adheres to prevention and protection first, implements categorical protection of desertification land, fully implements various protection systems, gives full play to the natural restoration function of ecosystems, promotes vegetation rest and recuperation, and effectively controls land desertification from the source. It is emphasized that for natural relics such as native deserts and Gobi that are infrequent by human activities, adhere to the principle of sand and sand, strengthen protection measures, and do not interfere with human beings. For contiguous desertification land that is more frequent in man-made activities but does not have the conditions for treatment, as well as contiguous desertification land that is not suitable for development and utilization due to the needs of ecological protection, it is planned to be designated as a closed protected area and implemented for closed protection. Areas with important ecological functions, fragile ecosystems, and gaps in natural ecological protection are included in the nature reserve system with national parks as the main body.

The "Plan" emphasizes the need to firmly establish a systematic concept, take desert edges, oases, sandy lands, watersheds, mountain systems, etc. as prevention and control units, and strengthen the coordination and management of all elements of sand control, water control and mountain control. For the desertification land that is planned for key treatment, relying on scientific and technological progress, adhere to the determination of water and the amount of water, adopt a combination of engineering and biological measures according to local conditions, combine arbor shrubs and grasses, select tree and grass species that are drought-resistant, barren tolerant, and wind-sand resistant, take rain and water conservation as the guide, scientifically allocate forest and grass vegetation types and densities, and create windproof and sand fixation forest nets and forest belts, as well as windbreak and sand fixation desert lock edge forest and grass belts. Eleven comprehensive desertification land treatment measures in four categories, including mountain closure (sand) afforestation and grass cultivation, fly-seeding sand fixation afforestation and grass planting, engineering sand fixation, desertification grassland control, comprehensive soil erosion control, desertification cultivated land treatment and supporting facilities construction, have been determined.

The "Plan" proposes to appropriately develop the green ecological sand industry. "Adhere to the combination of controlling sand to get rich, increase green and increase income, on the basis of protecting the ecology and allowing water resources, use light, heat, soil and other resources to develop water-saving, low-carbon, environmentally friendly characteristic sand industries in an appropriate and orderly manner, promote farmers and herdsmen to increase income, and help consolidate poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization." Sun Guoji said that in addition, the construction of desert natural parks will be carried out in eight deserts and four sandy lands, and on the basis of protecting the ecology, eco-tourism will be moderately developed to meet people's growing needs for a beautiful ecological environment, promote regional economic and social development, and improve the public's awareness of sand prevention and control and ecological protection.

Take multiple measures at the same time to ensure that the goals and tasks are completed on schedule

"As a basic work to promote the construction of ecological civilization and maintain national ecological security, desertification prevention and control has the characteristics of long-term, arduous, repeated and uncertain, and the situation of desertification prevention and control is still very grim." The relevant person in charge of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration introduced that in order to ensure that the target tasks of desertification prevention and control are completed on schedule, the "Plan" puts forward the following safeguard measures.

In terms of organizational support, strengthen the party's overall leadership over desertification prevention and control, implement the government responsibility system for desertification prevention and control, and local people's governments at all levels in sandy areas bear overall responsibility for desertification prevention and control. The competent administrative department of forestry and grassland under the State Council is responsible for organizing, coordinating and guiding the national desertification prevention and control work, and the administrative departments in charge of development and reform, finance, natural resources, ecological environment, water conservancy, agriculture and rural areas, and meteorological authorities shall take their own responsibilities and cooperate closely in accordance with their functions and division of labor to jointly promote desertification prevention and control.

In terms of implementing the responsibility for desertification prevention and control goals, in accordance with the Law on Desertification Prevention and Control, the Decision of the State Council on Further Strengthening Desertification Prevention and Control, and other relevant provisions, and in accordance with the tasks of desertification prevention and control in each province determined in the Plan, the People's Government of the 12 provinces with heavy prevention and control tasks and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps signed the "<>th Five-Year Plan Letter of Responsibility for Desertification Prevention and Control Targets". Organize and carry out the assessment of the responsibility of provincial governments for desertification prevention and control goals and the supervision and assessment of the forest chief system, focusing on the completion of desertification land governance tasks.

In terms of guaranteeing funds for desertification prevention and control, in accordance with the principle of dividing powers and expenditure responsibilities, they are included in the central and local budgets respectively, highlighting key points and strengthening fund guarantees. Focus on relying on the "double" project and the "three north" project, as well as the national comprehensive demonstration area for desertification prevention and control, desertification land closure protection compensation and other projects, and effectively do a good job in the implementation of desertification prevention and control tasks. At the same time, through policy support, guide social forces to participate in desertification prevention and control.

In terms of scientific and technological demonstration and guidance, the majority of scientific and technological workers are encouraged to strengthen research on basic science and applied technology, and carry out scientific and technological innovation in desertification prevention and control. Improve the standard system for desertification prevention and control, strengthen technical training, and improve the technology promotion and service system. Establish a number of national comprehensive demonstration zones for desertification prevention and control, actively explore technical models, policy mechanisms and industrial development, and demonstrate and lead the high-quality development of regional desertification prevention and control.

Sun Guoji said that he will closely focus on the overall thinking and construction priorities determined in the Plan, adhere to the goal of improving ecology and improving people's livelihood, earnestly do a good job in the organization, coordination and guidance of sand prevention and control and comprehensive treatment of rocky desertification, strengthen the implementation of tasks, strengthen policy support, strengthen legal guarantees, strengthen incentives and constraints, coordinate and promote the integrated protection and systematic governance of landscapes, waters, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and promote the implementation of the Plan in an overall manner, so as to make new and greater contributions to building a beautiful China. (People's Daily)