Three years ago, Ängelholm Airport was on its knees, the pandemic caused the airport to lose 90 percent of its revenue. To save its survival, seven northwest Skåne municipalities and a tourist company in Båstad joined forces and took over.

Nothing is set in stone yet, but right now there are many indications that Ängelholm Airport will have to borrow an additional SEK 30 million that the owner municipalities will guarantee. This is to be able to continue operating the airport for two years – when the hope is that the state will take over the responsibility.

"Basically, it's a loan that we, as owner municipalities, guarantee. That is, you guarantee and then the company is obliged to regulate this. Then Helsingborg has a form of internal bank and it coordinates the loan, says the chairman of the municipal board in Helsingborg, Christian Orsing (M).

Will increase security

These include necessary investments to maintain security, including the purchase of various X-ray machines, explosives detectors, new passenger vehicles, etc.

"Sometimes you come to slightly larger investments that you can't handle over day-to-day operations and cash. Then it is not uncommon to give a loan that you guarantee, says Christian Orsing.

The City of Helsingborg will be climate neutral by 2030, how does that fit in with you investing more money in the airport?

"I think this is a sad goal conflict and here it must be possible to keep two thoughts in the air at the same time. Ängelholm Airport is incredibly important for our business community and the region. We work actively with the climate perspective through climate-related fuels and that we can climate compensate our tickets.

In total, the airport has cost the municipalities just over SEK 80 million if the hammer goes to the table for the new investments.