Updated Thursday,7September2023-08:39

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Artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT) or robotics are just some of the technologies that have experienced unprecedented development in recent years, completely revolutionizing many companies. And it is precisely this potential generated by these technological and economic transformations, promoting the leap to Industry 4.0 in companies, which will be analyzed from October 2 to 5 in the new edition of Barcelona New Economy Week (BNEW), organized by the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona (CZFB).

For more than a decade, Barcelona has been crowned in one of the technological hubs of reference in Europe, as confirmed by recent reports such as the Tech Hubs Overview. A leadership position, which attracts investors, entrepreneurs and companies, and which is reinforced thanks to bets as powerful as Barcelona Economy Week, which represents a unique opportunity for both learning and networking. And it is that "events such as the BNEW help to understand much better the challenges and opportunities that open up in the present and in the near future for the economy and industry 4.0, in addition to connecting the entire ecosystem under the same flag," says Pere Navarro, special delegate of the State in theCZFB.

During the 4 days of its celebration in the DFactory Barcelona building, it is expected that more than 12,000 attendees, from around 70 different countries, and about 400 participating companies will enjoy the 100 panels and sessions that will make up this edition. Selected following the most current and disruptive trends, these panels will revolve around seven verticals that currently mark the global transformation: Proptech, Digital Industry, Mobility, Sustainability, Talent, Health and Experience, highlighting how their evolution will mark the roadmap for the future of the new economy.

To these thousands of participants in person, you can also add all those who prefer to follow each of the presentations online, all of them can register through the official website of the BNEW. Barcelona Economy Week will once again enhance its strength as a hybrid event, thanks to a powerful digital platform that not only allows you not to miss any of the panels of the edition, but also reinforces a super effective networking thanks to the artificial intelligence itself that uses its algorithm when creating B2B agendas among the participants.

7 themes fully involved in the new economy

In this edition, the focus will be on 7 key verticals, two of them being incorporated for the first time to debate. This is BNEW Health, which will reflect the great revolution and impact of technologies applied to health (AI, 3D, telemedicine ...) and BNEW Proptech, which will show the great potential of tools such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Machine Learning in the Real State sector, becoming fundamental allies for investors, Real estate agents and developers.

Through the BTalent vertical, companies in sectors focused on technology, innovation or sustainability can find the right profiles for their needs, in addition to knowing how to train their own workers or how to prepare professionals for the skills and competencies of the future.

Blanca Sorigué, general director of the CZFB

For its part, "BNEW Digital Industry will focus on new industries, centers of development and technological innovation, robotization and automation companies, artificial intelligence, internet of things and Blockchain," they say from the organization. Companies that will also be able to learn, and a lot, through BNEW Sustainability, where the potential of several sustainable solutions related to fair trade, renewable energies or the circular economy, among others, will be shared. Very much in line with another key vertical in this edition, BNEW Mobility, in which the most efficient solutions and proposals in the field of mobility will be announced.

To all of them is added BNEW Experience, "a wide cultural proposal where you can enjoy the gastronomy, design and art of a reference city such as Barcelona, which once again will surprise all attendees", they highlight. And, finally, BTalent, which will once again focus on the human factor within the business world, addressing topics ranging from the new training and labor needs posed by the new economy, as well as issues of business leadership or skills for the future, as well as practical cases to help maximize the human factor in companies.

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This text has been developed by ue studio, creative branded content and content marketing firm of unidad editorial, for CONSORCIO ZONA FRANCA