United Kingdom: a few days after his escape, detainee Daniel Khalife arrested

The end of a manhunt in England. Inmate Daniel Khalife had escaped from Wandsworth prison in south-west London on Wednesday. He has just been found. The country has deployed colossal resources.

Police in the Chiswick area on the last day in pursuit of detainee Daniel Khalife, finally caught this Saturday, September 9. AP - Jamie Lashmar

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With our correspondent in London, Marie Boëda

72 hours on the run. Daniel Khalife worked as a cook in the prison. Three days ago, dressed in red and white plaid pants, a white T-shirt and brown shoes, he slipped under a food delivery truck and managed to get out of the prison.

A kilometre away, someone sees the 21-year-old former soldier near a roundabout. This is the last trace of the fugitive until that night. He slept in the Chiswick district in the south-west of the capital.

Police sniffer dogs, including 150 counter-terrorism officers, were on alert. The Metropolitan Police even promised a reward of 23,000 euros for information leading to his capture.

Accused of passing intelligence to a hostile state, probably Iran, and leaving fake bombs on a military base, the young Londoner was in pre-trial detention awaiting trial. He is now in police custody.

It remains to be seen whether he was helped, and to what extent the prison's monitoring system proved to be flawed.

" READ ALSO The British police launched in a manhunt throughout the country

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