– Do you smell rat pee? It smells the same inside the car," says Julie Skive, looking dejectedly down at the stains in the engine compartment.

She is a tenant at the public utility EIA, and has so far paid 5,500 in repairs for the damage caused by the rats to her car in recent years. Everyone we meet in the parking lot can tell similar stories about free-roaming rats.

"The strange thing is that you almost got used to it. You don't react in the same way when my daughter and I cycle home from her school and a rat suddenly runs in front of the bike," says Louise Andersson, another resident.

Accommodation: "Must get help"

The residents say that they have made countless reports to EIA about the rat problems, which the magazine Hem&Hyra was the first to report on.

So far, the reports have not yielded any noticeable results, says Louise Andersson.

"We need help. A first measure must be to take down all the shrubbery where the rats have their nests, says Louise.

EIA: Clean-up underway

EIA's communications manager Margaretha Söderström tells SVT that the rats mainly seem to come from various ongoing construction projects nearby, on land that EIA does not own.

However, she says she has received a promise from the City of Malmö that a major clean-up of the area will be done in the coming month, in order to try to get rid of the rats.

See the residents' own pictures of the rats in the clip above – and meet some of the affected tenants.