Stéphane Bern SEASON 2023 - 202417h14, September 08, 2023

Stéphane Bern recounts, to close this special week, on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death, an extraordinary destiny, the longest reign of the crown of England. Or the true story of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Episode Five: 70 Years of Reign.
What is the secret of such a long reign? How did Elisabeth manage to remain popular until the end of her life? What was his secret to get through this century and its many shocks?
To talk about it, Stéphane Bern receives Anne Fulda, journalist, author of the portrait of Elizabeth II in the collective work she directed "Femmes d'Etat - De Cléopâtre à Angela Merkel. The Art of Power" (republished by Pocket) and Julie Robert, journalist-documentarian, author of "24 hours of the life of Elizabeth II" (PUF) and the documentary "Elizabeth II, a Queen's Life" broadcast on TMC.

Historically yours is directed by Guillaume Vasseau. Editor-in-chief: Benjamin Delsol. Author of the story: Tony Liégois. Journalist: Aude Cordonnier.