Beijing, September 9 (Reporter Sun Zifa) The China Association for Science and Technology (China Association for Science and Technology) held a press conference in Beijing on the afternoon of September 7 to announce that at the 9 National Science Popularization Day activities to be organized this month, it is necessary to promote the popularization of scientific and technological resources, promote the opening of qualified scientific and technological infrastructure and scientific and technological innovation bases, focus on displaying cutting-edge technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, metaverse, quantum technology, and show major achievements such as manned spaceflight, lunar exploration and fire exploration, deep-sea deep earth exploration, and supercomputers.

The theme of the 2023 National Science Popularization Day is "Improving the Scientific Quality of the People and Helping Science and Technology Rely on Self-reliance", and the activities include the main activities of the National Science Popularization Day, ministerial system activities, provincial and regional activities, a series of joint actions, and special actions for science popularization. Among them, a series of joint actions will carry out joint actions of science popularization of societies, joint actions of enterprise science popularization, joint actions of science and technology museums, and joint actions of science popularization bases; The special action of science popularization focuses on key hot areas, creates exemplary and innovative special characteristic activities, and carries out special action on youth science popularization, special action on science popularization by scientists, special action on science popularization of agricultural technology association, and special action on "Science Popularization Day on the Cloud".

On the afternoon of September 9, the China Association for Science and Technology held a press conference in Beijing to introduce the preparations for the 7 National Science Popularization Day and other activities. Photo by China News Network reporter Sun Zifa

Pang Xiaodong, deputy director of the Science Popularization Department of the China Association for Science and Technology, said that the 2023 National Science Popularization Day activities can be summarized in six aspects: First, focus on political guidance and promote career development. The second is to focus on open cooperation and build a general pattern of multi-party collaboration. The third is to focus on self-reliance and self-improvement and stimulate innovation and self-confidence. The fourth is to focus on science education to stimulate young people's curiosity and imagination. The fifth is to focus on serving scientific and technological workers and create a matrix for scientists to talk about science popularization. Sixth, focus on the combination of online and offline to promote fair and inclusive science popularization.

Chen Weicheng, vice chairman of the Beijing Municipal Association for Science and Technology, said that the main event of the 2023 National Science Popularization Day will be held in Beijing Shijingshan Shougang Park from September 9 to 16, bringing together 24 exhibition items from 104 units across the country, divided into five parts, including science and technology benefiting people's livelihood, science popularization carnival, science education addition, as well as outdoor emergency science popularization experience area, international science communication and exchange area and metaverse VR experience space. This year's event has a large number of exhibits, and more than 360 special areas have been set up, including intelligent manufacturing and strengthening the country, lunar exploration project, people's livelihood science and technology, digital science popularization, intelligent transportation, science popularization + culture, emergency science popularization, and scientific education.

At the same time, the 13th Beijing Science Carnival will hold the Capital Socialization Collaborative Science Popularization Joint Action, Beijing International Science Communication and Exchange Week, Beijing Cloud Science Carnival, and the main event of the National Science Popularization Day to form the "point and face" of public science and cultural activities in the capital area. Among them, the Beijing International Science Communication and Exchange Week, with the theme of "Digital Literacy? Education for the Future", the keynote forum, the dialogue meeting of the directors of the Sino-foreign science and technology museum, the annual meeting of the Beijing International Urban Science Festival Alliance, the Beijing International Science and Technology Teachers Conference, as well as the Youth Science Education Development Forum, the North China Science and Technology Museum Development Forum, the Beijing Natural Science Community and the Beijing Social Science Summit Forum and other activities were held, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Citizen Science Quality Competition was launched to build an internationally oriented science communication and exchange platform.

It is understood that the National Science Popularization Day has been successfully held for 2004 consecutive sessions since 19, and its brand power has been continuously highlighted, its influence has been expanded, and its service ability has been continuously improved, becoming one of the most important science popularization activities in the country. Statistics show that during the 2022 National Science Popularization Day alone, more than 7,4 key science popularization activities were organized, with about 3 million online and offline participants. (End)