CCTV News (News Network): General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is a modernization in which man and nature live in harmony. At present, China is actively implementing major projects for biodiversity conservation, a large number of rare and endangered species have been effectively protected, and an ecological picture of harmonious coexistence of all things is slowly unfolding.

This is an image of rare wildlife activities taken in more than 9000,300 nature reserves in China, such as Asian elephants, snow leopards, Siberian tigers, Hainan gibbons... Since the <>th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, more than <> species of endangered wild animals and plants in China have achieved restorative growth, and the habitat and breeding environment has been continuously improved. Among them, giant panda conservation is a successful model of global endangered species conservation. At the Dujiangyan base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center, staff are carefully caring for the elderly giant pandas "Baiyun" and "Ximeng". With the improvement of breeding management and disease prevention and control technology, the average lifespan of giant pandas has been continuously increased, and the threat level has been downgraded from "endangered" to "vulnerable".

The giant pandas "Haohao" and "Xinghui", as China's "messengers of friendship", are thriving at the Belgian Paradise Zoo. In March 2014, President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan attended the opening ceremony of the Paradise Zoo Giant Panda Park during their visit to Belgium. Not long ago, President Xi Jinping emphasized in his reply letter to Dong Bo, director of Paradise Zoo, that at present, China is actively promoting the modernization of the Chinese style of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, implementing major projects for biodiversity conservation, and effectively protecting a large number of rare and endangered species.

In today's China, there are far more species at risk of extinction than giant pandas, and a high level of conservation is helping to protect endangered wildlife. The footage of this group of wild sika deer strolling leisurely by the stream with their cubs was recently captured by an infrared camera in Jiangxi Taohongling Sika Deer National Nature Reserve.

In the past decade, from 365 sika deer to 624 sika deer today, Taohongling Sika Deer National Nature Reserve has become the largest concentration of sika deer in China, and this species has also got rid of the risk of extinction. The expansion of the population is due to sound conservation measures and refined management.

At the top of each mountain in the reserve, more than 10 channels with a total length of 12 kilometers and low vegetation reach the foot of the mountain, which is a "animal passage" specially opened by the reserve for sika deer, which is convenient for sika deer to go down the mountain to drink water for food and transfer between habitats. In addition, the latest technological means are also used in the protection of sika deer. The reserve is developing an artificial intelligence identification system based on massive monitoring data, conducting "deer face recognition" on sika deer, establishing an individual bank, and conducting more systematic research on the habits of wild sika deer.

Today, China is actively building a high-quality protection system for rare and endangered wild animals and plants, and the completed National Park Spatial Layout Plan lays out 49 candidate areas for national parks, accounting for 10.3% of the land area, and will protect more than 80% of wild animal and plant species and habitats under national key protection.